XMAX - Entertainment on Blockchain

in #xmax6 years ago (edited)


Most blockchains projects in existence today already directs all or most their focus to either security, speed or low cost of transaction and with every project lunched daily, it was beginning to look like the trend was going to continue that way with no one looking outside the spheres of the 3 sectors mentioned above. Although some few projects have ventured looking into some part of entertainment like music, the gaming area of it has received lowest level of concern as regards having a feel of the major changes blockchain technology can bring to the table of gamers. That was the exact picture of the situation until the era of Ruffchain. The developers of the chain deserted all already existing platforms and their focus went to the sector of life that many wouldn’t have thought of any time soon. They developed a blockchain that can meet the needs of game developers, a platform that makes game development less hectic and difficult as compared to what it used to be. They made a platform called XMAX.

YEA! Xmax is the name and before you jump into thinking or mistaking it to have an affiliate with the popular yuletide season, I will quickly want to give you an insight as to what the platform is about.

XMax is an all-in-one blockchain development ecosystem for creating entertainment Dapps with a primary focus of providing entertainment and game developers with a complete toolset needed to quickly create blockchain applications easily. The platform depends on the operation of some feature to function properly. Some of these features includes;

High TPS Mainchain (DPOS) + Functional Sidechain Structure Easy to use SDK for Digital Media, Games and DAPPs User account system with support for native languages MediaLab and Blockchain Plugin Manager XMax Studio 3D Game Engine with Integrated Tools Advanced Asset Tokens and Smart Contract Templates XMax Studio IDE with WebX.JS (supports programming in a JavaScript-based language) Cross-chain integration with 3rd Party Blockchains and Online Services etc.

The concept behind the project has received a huge acceptance by the crypto community so much that during its listing on Huobi, it received 20 “super nodes” via huobi voting system (a figure no other project has so far attained on the platform) there by setting a new voting record on the platform. The support for the project on the platform was huge and in case you don’t know, Huobi is China’s biggest crypto exchange site and it’s “super nodes” feature helps it to decide from the list of applied projects, the best projects to be listed on the exchange and by that way, ensuring that only the top-quality projects finds their way to the platform.

Xmax token:
xmax token.png
The Xmax project (with XMX as its traditional token symbol) is designed on the ethereum platform and it currently supports two token models: XMX Rice - Fungible Tokens and XMX Lobster - Non-Fungible Tokens.

With the XMX Rice - Fungible Tokens , XMax platform users can release fungible tokens (similar to ERC20) and exchange them in payment for services or other tokens on or off the platform. While the XMX Lobster - Non-Fungible Tokens helps XMax users to release asset tokens (similar to ERC721).
It has total token supply of 30,000, 000, 000 XMX and ranked #1364 on coinmarketcap.com (as of the time of writing this article) with a 24 hours volume of $1,380,150 USD.


The list of investors that has deposited their capital on this project as a way of giving it a thumbs up ranges from individuals to institutional investors. Some of them are.
Individual investors:

  1. Roy Li Investor and Advisor Blockchain Security Expert Founder of Ruff
  2. Chuan Zhan Investor Founding partner of Kfund
  3. Weixing Chen Investor Founder of Kuaidi
  4. Jin Shang Investor General Manager of Xiaomi Game
  5. Hong Yu Investor Founder of 3AM Group Founder of QYGAME(acquired by 360) e.t.c.
    Institutional Investors:
  6. DFUND
  7. Achain Foundation
  8. Beechat Foundation
  9. AELF Foundation
  10. KFUND
  11. QTUM Foundation e.t.c

You can find a more comprehensive list on their whitepaper. It is a long list of investors and trust me, seeing the list of founder and institutions that has invested into this project, you surely will be amazed.

Where to Buy XMX token.

You can get the token on an exchange as their sales period is over. Just some few exchanges have made the list so far and they are Hadax.com and ddex.io. To stay updated with future listings, kindly follow their updates on any of these platforms.

Website: https://xmx.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XMax_io
Telegram [EN]: https://t.me/XMXblock_org
Telegram: [CN]: https://t.me/XMXBlock
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/XMax_Blockchain/
Medium: https://medium.com/xmax-galaxy-network


I never had idea they have this calibre of investors anyway it really good to know the kind of people backing xmax. Kudos guys

Yeah.. Looking at the investors alone will convince you into joining the project. The fact that they did not hold any ico but this investors investing in the project is a big boost.

Sure, such huge investors don't join projects without potentials, XMax is definitely a unique project with a simplified process that will help a lot of developers in the community to come up with creative projects

They really put great efforts into it. They have released v1 and are doing quite well so it seems.

Thanks for the write up, i've seen the Xmax team and specifically Roy Li promoting and attending alot of events lately, great to see them putting in solid work for their vision.

I've also seen a lot of attending of conferences from Roy, you can feel his passion and he comes across like a nice guy and just seems to breed trust for me

I'm glad Xmax came along, it's long over due the entertainment industry gets it's place in the blockchain ecosystem and boy Xmax did develop a killer platform.

Yes, XMax is complete toolset using which we can quickly create blockchain applications easily

most base blockchain platforms did not focus on the demands of entertainment companies. Its good XMax team started focusing on entertainment DAPPs development

They have many resources that can help you do this even as a beginner

Yeah, they're building up a huge knowledge base and tonne of resources for people to be able to build on their blockchain, im really impressed by them so far.

Nice article. Well known investors are here, few from them I know. Like Roy Li, Aelf foundation, QTum and more. Their own ICOs was very successful.

Really good to see the guys from Aelf and Qtum taking note as this project really deserves the attention of everyone as it’s developing so quickly and seems to set itself different f I’m the rest

I think big investors understood the importance of the XMax platform, and why not Gaming industry is very popular

The great thing about all of this is that they have actually made templates available to build on top. I think a competition for devs would go a long way.

It's an impressive design and it really will help the development of DApps - I'm excited to see the DApp store

It's nice to see so many well-known persons in this individual investors list. It somehow encourages other people to trust in Xmax more.

Yeah.. I can see founders of a popular Iot project also in the investors list.. Maybe we can expect a collaboration in the future.

Yeah, if a project have strong backing a lot investors tend to invest confidently

One of the most important parts to a project is the team. If you have a great idea but a team who cannot implement it, you have nothing. This team is looking great.

You're right with the fact that gaming sector have long been abandoned and xmax taking it on is ok

Well, not like it has been abandoned but it creates little room for startups to join because of the cost of funding , XMax is giving everyone a chance to be part of the industry

Its is also nice things that they received 20 super nodes via Huobi voting system which is no other projects are achieved yet that.

This one actually caught me by surprise they seem to be getting a lot of interest from other projects like Aelf and qtum and the. Huobi it’s a really good sign for the longterm I feel

Oh, Roy Li is an Advisor and Investor? I did not know that. that's great, he does a great job at RuffChain and is a real expert

He has a wealth of experience and multiple job titles, check out his linked in page

Yep, this man has so much experience and energy and I think this is the very success for Xmax to have him among advisors. Also, his name among investors looks great and make other people trust in the project.

True, I for example when I came across his name on their platform the little thread of doubt I had about this project left.

I think he gave a speech sometime in a blockchain conference, can't remember but it was about business if i guess correctly

The XMax ecosystem simplifies the creation of decentralized applications and includes a blockchain which can scale for high-volume use cases like social messaging and video games

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