I'm Brooklyn JoeyO, and do I have stories for you....

in #xaverian7 years ago

The name is JoeyO, aka the Mayor of L park in Brooklyn, NY--I grew up the son of a Longshoreman, who worked in the Brooklyn waterfronts. It was a violent time, the late '60's. How many times my father (RIP) came home early and told me to "Get the hose and wash out the cars trunk--NOW!!!) Being 14 years old, I thought he was bringing home meat--because there was always blood in the trunk, and my father always brought home meat "that fell off the truck" LOL--but that didn't account for the blood that was on my father. I was pretty naive--my only interest was stickball, (2 sewers was a home run--if it hit a wire it was a double) Now, after US Army Ranger school and Viet Nam, I see all that differently. It happened when Joey Gallo was gunned down in Umberto's Clam House on Mulberry street. In High School, I went to an elite Catholic HS named Xaverian. I was thrown out of that school because I was caught smoking cigarettes in the candy store 2 blocks away--the Xaverian Brothers RAIDED US--LOL. Anyway, I was called out of Gym--everyone took Gym--into the Principal's office. It was purportedly because of my smoking. There was Brother Kyrin Powers, and the dean, named Brother Warren Abel. I was in my gym shorts and tee shirt. Well, the principal started to question me about the smoking, and I, of course, denied EVERYTHING LOL. But he came around his desk and started to rub my shoulders--OK, no big deal--but when his hand went down my shirt I smacked him--I was immediately suspended and told my father, but he was too drunk to really hear what I had to say. So, I was asked to leave, (an honor roll student--good looking too) and given a 98% Average, but told not to return--I then went to Public School, and I breezed through that--hardly went to class, too.
That's when I started to hang out at "L" Park, the place to be in 1970 and 71. And I fell right into the culture--Sex, Drugs, and RocknRoll. When Uncle Sam sent me 2 subway tokens--(the letter said-"Greetings, you are hereby directed to report to Fort Hamilton for indoctrination to the U.S. Military"-- Well, unlike my friends, I followed my ancestors example--you serve your country. I ended up in U.S. Army Ranger School---because I scored so high on my tests. Tough going--when the Army drops you in the Panama jungles--with a pen knife and a compass--told to navigate to my home base--60 miles away. Long story short--I passed and was shipped to the Nam--enough for now--but I am retired AND disabled--but I am still active in politics and social media---more to come IF people are interested. Adios, JoeyOarmy 2.pngIMG_1204.JPG