
I will be working as a sequirity in a soccer match located in Serbia.

Don't waste your time.

Need a break and some fun every once in a while. I liked the transisto drama.

Thanks for stopping @jackofcrows- always good to see you :)

Good to hear from you as well! My activities as of late have left me little time for interaction, this is a good thing but I do miss my communities!

Well we’ll be here when you get back! Still looking forward to your 2nd appetizer crawl on triple F :)

So that's what we're all paying for today?

You are lucky going to the beach! I will be sleeping because it's depressing to look outside with snow all over when it's still technically summer. No beach for me!!

Being lazy. Might go to the beach, but there's red tide where I am right now. Booooo.

i was busy with updating my witness server to be ready for HF20

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