
in #wrute23 days ago

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What's the meaning of this? This computer right here? This person typing on it? I wonder, all the time, what is the meaning of things. Or rather...I don't think there is any meaning to most things. Or rather, I don't think there's some greater meaning to life other than to live. Each person then sets the meaning for their own life, for their own moment by moment. I am doing this because I think it is helpful for my brain to write out thoughts, because I think language is important, because I want to share my thoughts with the world. I don't expect it to be earth-shattering, just pondering, and here it is. And I don't know that I think there's any great purpose to my life. Just to live, and if I make even one other person's life better somehow, then my life is meaningful, to me, and hopefully, to the greater world. That's all we can do, is make each other's lives better in little and big ways. And we could make lots of people's lives better if more of us came together to make the world a better place, which is to say, destroy capitalism. I think, I heard some talk once...I don't remember where/which org I was reading about or looking into...some socialist org...anyway, it had to do with people living in the way they imagine the world could be and should be. And I think about that, and how slowly change comes to society, but how it requires people to start living in the way they imagine the world could and should be. And we force the world to change by doing that. And lots of folks react strongly and negatively to forced change, but they get caught up in the shifting tide.


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Peace & Love!