Focus on me - Poetry

Focus on me
My sense of hearing is placidly inclined
towards the sweet sound of your voice
There is no emitted word that you said
that I don't want to accept instantly and without hesitation
My delight is in every bit of your gut-wrenching attention.
You usually hide your deep feelings
behind a mask of apparent insensitivity
The same one that I use to hide the pain
with which your thorns unconsciously wound my skin
But, in your eyes, you leave the ashes of a fire
that burns intensely inside you
I do not expect a sigh from you to me,
that would be a wonderful impossibility
I know that although you are the most valuable thing that is on my list,
I will be for you, with great positivity, one more member of yours.
I will not be the most important thing in your life,
nor the most indifferent, nor the most special,
nor in the first thing you think when you see something
that impress and you feel eager to share that emotion.
But, I know that I am there,
somewhere in your huge and warm heart.
There I am
A bright spot in the sea of stars that you usually like to see.
Will you focus on me someday to look?
Will you extend your hand and point smiling to my place?