Fear of Loss - Limits Innovation and Creative AdvancementsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing7 years ago

earth controls.jpg

We Live in a world with much control, rules, laws, regulations and enforcement. Military is a dominant point of force within the world.

If we are to take a massive step back in look at the overall functioning of humanity...and the movement of humanity:

Money, Money, Money

  • The focal point of the vitality of Humanity....if we can even call humanity as our collective togetherness to have any vitality what so ever. Point is Money facilitates and directs the support of Best Movement and Development. Money is the tool. Obviously if the tool is not well used, it is susceptible to abuse. This is the unfortunate reality of our day. Abusive usages of money. The very functioning of pretty much every Major Industry is less than Optimal in terms of being a Pillar of Greatness for the World Here today.

  • The saying, "No Man is an Island"...yet...Everyone operates like a survivor island challenge to some extent. Obviously this is problematic. What is interesting in terms of assessing/identifying problems is the ability to zoom out and look at the scope of the issues here.

  • I mean what comes to question for many when they zoom out - is the very shape and design of the earth....to the point of questioning the very existence of gravity and the definitions there of. Some say it's more an issue of pressure control and buoyancy.

  • Level Playing Field - Is this perhaps the key issue here. Ironically I am making a couple small jabs at the scientific community and the education system about the "Shape" of the Earth.

  • Let's not get to fixated on the "Shape" of the Earth....But at the same time, Let's get very fixated on the "Shape of the Earth". The status and status of the Earth is so much a Question, Matter and Responsibility in Individual Self-Reflection. Our World as a Whole Here - is a reflection of Ourselves....You Know - Our Cells - Molecular Biology.

  • Everything is a Bit all over the place - that's the simple reality of existence here. Information overload is possible at times. In a lot of ways - we exist as Information Overloads only because we are not well anchored into ourselves effectively

We must Explore ourselves as the total reality to such an extent that our internal self-reflection mirrors our external reflection. In this way we are full of analogies and cross references. We Create our capacity to engage and communicate effectively....Becoming....a matter in eloquence....The: Simplicity of Sophistication.

This post is an introduction primer to areas of discussion I will be giving more focus in writing to: politics, government, Self, money, education, crypto, cryptocurrency, Communication, Game theory and Mathematics, Science, Military, Law - both public and private, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Utopia, Heaven, Hell, psychology and World Class Plays.

It's important to communicate...as communication is key in the creation of our utmost potential. If you like my post, “RE'STEEM'N” is much Appreciated. Thank You So Much. Grateful to Be Here

Steem On,
This is Playground Planet Earth
We Got this 1 Life to Give Our Best

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communication is a key factor in and as the innovation process - it starts with our talking things out - coming up with ideas - sound boarding for one another.

Sometimes just simply explaining something we see inside ourselves helps ground the point in reality...it's like by hearing our words aloud we create and integrate and dimensions on the very points of opening.

In various ways lately i am reminded of how by engaging with others in projects and taking the first steps to start a dialogue - new potentials are more easily able to materialize because now there is the point of ' 2 or more in my name' which i will make a post about in terms of the creation process of growth.

Got thinking about the process of 'mass adoption' and how this works, is a matter of Lobbying - see this is why lobbyist groups exist to influence government on behalf of big business...it's lobbing the ball up in the air for the easy hit....spoon feeding the particular narratives to shape perception...feeding the education necessary to shape the particular outlook required to support the vested interests of said 'lobbyists'

Now - here is the thing - everyone is a lobbyist in a way - because everyone is always voicing their knowledge about things - what is often challenging is to be able to balance and juggle and be willing to hearing and expanding the opportunity to increase pieces to juggle. What I mean is - there is often direction required and the outcome is not obvious - some visionaries can see the big picture potential of playouts - this big picture vision, is the first layer of educators - painting the picture...and pitching the ideas to the realist and practitivists who are in a way more grounded and down to earth in a sense of being more in touch with the next tier of education - and that is relating and explaining the big picture vision with the usage of analogies as a way of breaking down complex terms and 'difficult' vocabulary. It's a sort of brilliant math in communication being expressed....and by math i mean from the perspective that the language used to support broadcasting clarity in high definition is by making sure the vocabular...the language is super simplified as much as possible...in this way the information is able to be absorbed...concentrated...digested much more quickly....yet it will still be a process to substantiate indefinitely - because to go all the way - one must come back to the 'difficult' vocabulary and 'terminology' that was 'broken down' and 'simplified'. Once a base of support....a bedrock foundation has been created...it's way easier to build....because the standing support is solid.

You bring up so many great topics, but the "Abusive usages of money", oh brother, where do we begin. I see this as the driving force to many of our problems we experience today.

The advent of the financial "derivative" might be the most heinous act every perpetrated against humanity. I think it was Buffet who described them as "weapons of mass destruction", but they are without a doubt the primary factor for the financial Armageddon that we face today. Block chain and crypto can be the cure for this disease. It can bring money back into control of the people who actually use it for constructive purposes instead of using it as a weapon. It can level the playing field as you say and allow freedom once again be experienced in a more personal way. The best answer to these issues truly is the simplest answer. Great post as always brother!

Thanks for stopping by Brother!

Appreciate the added words of support here.

Money - You got it - the key tool here.

Your Comment here is Money :)

Lately, as we all have witnessed, the nation is divided and people are so quick to point fingers and blame another. If these people would look inward, perhaps they would see a small piece of what is wrong.
Imagine if everyone did this? Maybe life would be more pleasant, hostility would be less and people could actually live a more positive and optimistic life.

Awesome Sharing here @goldendawne

Blame is to Be Lame...and it's always Bla Bla Bla


Self-Reflection is indeed our Key to Heaven on Earth - we give our ourselves access - Giving because we Got it to Give -

Self reflection is in itself a whole challenging journey. Following the path will lead to greatness but the path in itself is full of adversaries.

Wise Words @pisolutionsmru

"adversaries" is a big key here

I am reminded on Charles Bukowski:


Life is One Line at a time...that's the key to writing...It's just One Line at a time.

Adversity - is to add a Verse...a play...a move...One Line...in response...as the showcasing play of our ability!

Thanks for sharing...I enjoyed responding here - a bit of punfu with the creative word play :)

Mahh man! Out in space:)
giphy (37).gif

U & R ;)

Mahhh Maaan!

Realtionships are core of human history ,, we are social creatures and we need each other to survive , we should only be afraid of losing someone irreplacable , money can be remplaced ... :))

Love it buddy! We all have a golden ticket to the best ride around called life!

Oh also, I sent you a SBD each for 2 posts yesterday and only got 1 upvoted!

@worldclassplayer, I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts about these important topics.

We live in a time where the old and new paradigms are colliding. It is interesting to watch before our eyes this intellectual battle taking place.

I have nothing to loss

Very good post will follow in steemit.
Perfect this is needed for beginners
If this is. People see money and forget happiness. Mobile phones enslave people. The most happy are the Indians in the jungles without civilization.
Sorry if you do not understand, I use a translator. I like your post I will vote and I will keep.