Apricot - #freewrite

Apricot went to the store in her red yellow peach autumn colours. It was a great day, sunny sunwhine smelling goodness in the atmosphere.
she's looking for a plum to accent her colours. And by accent, I meant contrast.
Strolling, rolling, crawling, ballin'
Apricot found the shiniest purple pumpin plum
I thikn she's fallin'
For the best lookin bum
So she went up to him to jiggle,
but along the way, she got caught by a human!
And now she's a streudal
topped with cumin
Please vote + follow me, @whatIlearned
:D this was Great!! loved the ending. it made me smile and laugh! Thank you for that!
thanks! :)
hahaha - I started laughing when I saw the picture!! Strudel with cumin. hmmmmmmmm :)
Hehehe i'm glad it's funny :)