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RE: Remaining Resilient in the Face of Adversity

in #writing9 years ago

I can relate to this story most definitely, but with my own various twists and turns. Everyone has their own story to tell, but this one was unique in its own right and gives a great message and a wonderful outcome. I'm happy your mom turned her life around and you were able to forgive her, as difficult as that may have been, I, speaking from a similar place you have been in, can definitely say that the forgiveness with a loved one who has hurt me, leaves a lingering "what if" or "here it comes!" kind of ambience and feeling, but with time, that too, shall fade into the distance and past. Just cherish the moments and relationship as best you can with unconditional love. Upvoted, and followed. Thank you for opening up to us all. It might inspire something new out of me to write from the depths of my unconscious as well.


Wow! What an amazing response! I'm glad you were able to relate. Thanks for the follow and the feedback! It does definitely take time to recover and forgive, especially if it was a relationship involving abuse of any sort. I'm glad my sharing gave you a little inspiration. Responses like this are what I really look forward to when I write. :)