in #writing7 years ago



" the manager wants you in his office now!" James said
" okay, replied Ronke
She entered into the managers office, greeted him and he ushered her to seat which she did, Then he proceeded to the drawl next to him brought a file and opened it before her eyes
" Aderonke Fatai. You've been with this bank for quite some time now, am i right ?
" yes sir, she said looking confused
" here I have with me is your report, and to be honest am not impressed with the figures am seeing. We gave a deadline and you've exceeded yours without the complete tax"..he sighed...."So here is what I'll do for you, I will assign you to an account for you to follow him up and convince him to make our bank his only bank. Is that fair enough "? The manager said.
Ronke kept mute, trying to absolve what she just head,she said to herself I must really be blessed to find Favour from the manager after several warnings.
" yes sir, I'm really grateful. Thank you for giving me another chance.she said
" this is the last time I will do you such favor, I don't know why am helping you but don't let me down ".
" I won't sir, I promise " she said with excitement
" I will forward his details to your mail. His name is Mr. Ahmed Rasid . You'll get a mail from me soon , you may leave".
" thank you very much sir" she said as she left his office.

My name is Aderonke Teniola Fatai, I'm from Lagos state Nigeria, am a banker and I also have aside business which is crumbling due to lack of funds. I'm from a family of 3, 2 girls and a boy, my parents are both civil servant, my younger sister is in the university of port harcourt while the baby of the house is still in secondary school here in Lagos. I am the first child and as the first child I am the one sponsoring my kid sis, which is really difficult for me as my salary is just 60k, apart from that I pay my rent, still send money home and pay little expenses here and there.
Living in Lagos is all about expenses, from commercial transportation to food etc. a times I keep wondering how my colleagues at work look so good with the little salary we are paid, some of them have cars while others wear really expensive designer clothes, when given a tax they all meet up except me and when I ask how they do it all they say is " you're a fine girl , learn to think deep" and I always wonder what that means.
Anyways, no doubt am pretty , slim with a banging body , not too tall about 5;5, I get compliments from guys a lot, am 28 years old and I have a struggling boyfriend named Iyke , he's a designer but not known yet, he's really good with designs I just wish someone will give him contracts worth millions so he can come and marry me , at least that what he always says. He doesn't give me much because I know he doesn't have, I get frustrated a times taking care of his bills and mine and I earn just 60k, my lingerie business isn't moving as I keep eating the capital. I get lots of advances from guys but I choose to be faithful to Iyke because I believe in him.

Walking out of the manager office, I began thinking what on earth will make him give me another chance after he clearly warned when next I don't meet my budget I'll be forced to leave , now am being given a better offer of just convincing someone to make our bank his one and only, wow! That sounds easy all I have to do is plan my strategies and proceed to his office on Monday morning.

" Stella, are you going my way?" I asked a colleague of mine.
" no darling , am meeting up a client " she replied nonchalantly
" okay , thought you'll going through that way"I replied as I left her desk , I get that a lot from my female colleagues they seem to be mad at me for no reason, rumors have been flying around that am sleeping with the manager that's why he always favor me
I arranged my things from my desk, shut down my system and headed out when a male colleague of mine called from behind
I turned to notice James jogging towards my direction
" hey! What's up" said James
" I'm good, where are you heading ? I replied
"To have a drink before heading home, do you want to join me?
" no am good, I'll pass, I actually need to rush home, my younger sister just got back from school so she's at my place"
" that's no big deal I can drop you at you place we pick your sis and head for a drink or so, cmon! It's Friday "
" James, am not really really not ready for this , she said with a fake smile
" that's okay, in case you change your mind , you have my number just holla"
" I certainly will, have a lovely weekend" I replied as I hurriedly hit the busy streets of Lagos and made my way home.

More to come!
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