5 tips To becoming a stronger more productive you (Part 1)

in #writing8 years ago

5 tips to becoming a stronger more productive you (Part 1)

First I'm going to say that these steps probably heard of before. If your already implementing them daily great, but if not take the time to add them in your daily routine and better yet morning routine. These steps are easy free and take little effort on your part to work correctly. You may not see immediate results but over time with consistency I promise you will see results. Now onto the list.

  1. Wake up earlier (2 hours)- Studies suggest we need 8 hours of sleep. This may be more or less depending on where you get your information from. The truth is we don't need this much sleep. This is a third of our entire day and if you do this your entire life you will have slept close to a third of your away . This is crazy. So wake up an hour or 2 hours earlier and start implementing a daily morning routine to give your mind body and soul a jump start to the day. the following steps are all tied together to help you have a great routine to start your day with more energy.

  2. Drink a glass of water before bed and when you rise - Our bodies need water to operate at its peak efficiency. There are a ton of reasons to drink water of course but I'll zero in on one that's very important and not many people know of. When we're asleep we are breathing and exhausting water Vapors all through the night and we are consistently losing and depleting our water levels. Combine this with the fact that we sleep around 8 hours or the media suggest so you can see why why drinking water before bed and in the morning are crucial. Also if you'v been drinking alcohol the night before and haven't consumed any water you can see why we wake up feeling dehydrated and feeling like crap. So drink water before bed and when you wake up and this will make you feel a lot more energized.

  3. Stretch/Yoga for 10 to 15 minutes every morning - Stress causes tightness of the muscles and tightness of the muscles causes stress. It's becomes a vicious cycle if not broken. If the cycle is not broken this can lead to more serious injuries Have you ever started stretching and didn't know why? It's because your brain sent a signal to your body telling it to relieve your tight muscles and which in turn relieve stress naturally. So stretch in the morning this will give you a head start on the day and relieve the stress that comes throughout it.

  4. Meditate for 5 to 10 minutes every morning - I admit, I do not follow this daily but meditation is simply relaxing and clearing of the mind. With so much technology we need time without it to just breathe and put our selves in a better place. Meditation also relieves stress because most people don't think about the positives in their life, they reflect on what is wrong in their life how to fix it which creates a vicious cycle of thinking negatively. Problems and situations need to be fixed but dwelling on them constantly is not good for the mind. Relaxing and not thinking at all will clear your mind and give you energy so when you do return to that thought or situation you will make a better decision. Just as if you're handling a difficult task or in a heated debate with someone and you stop to cool off this is the same process, you will return in a better state of mind and better able to handle the problem or come to a resolution/solution with a clear head.

  5. Exercise - Exercise early in the morning. This doesn’t have to be an intense workout but just enough to get the blood flowing. You can go for a short morning run around the block, do a few push ups, sit ups and lift some dumbbells or whatever you have that has some decent weight, lift some fruit if you have to then eat it. It’s better to get your own blood flowing then to have someone else get it flowing for you, because you got all riled up on the morning driving to work or whatever it may be.

I hope these 5 tips will help you get your day started in a positive way, so you can attack the day and be more productive and have more energy. If you like this post please upvote and follow my other social media. Thank you

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