Beginning Fresh

in #writing6 years ago

Every year the mind comes up with this thought " I am starting a new year". This thought offers you a new way of seeing the world, a feeling of being clear and better. This thought is to ensure you dont have as much pain anymore this year.

To improve this year and experience less pain we think to do these these things:
eating better
working out,
finding time alone,
loving yourself more,
buying something

But these in truth are only chapters in the story of your life. Changing the chapters would be like painting with a dirty brush over and over and wondering why each painting comes out with a faded dark color.

If we dont look at where the pain is pointing us back to then our dirty canvas painting project will just keep changing each year. New scenes but the same veil truly covering what we seek. Happiness.

Perhaps we need to look at another way?

Many of us honor a spiritual side to our life. But do we really , I mean really , have we ever really looked deeply at it. We may pray more, meditate more, walk on trails more but have we done simple looking at the source of what projects our world "out there". Have we intellectually investigated. Thats right, I just said intellectually in a paragraph about spirit.

To find deep spiritual truth we need to experience an intellectual looking and dis-covering. Spiritual awakening is not the fuzzy glow effects of a meditation, yoga class, crystal healing, prayer, bible verse or song. Those are just more moments in the chapter your story. They are just experiences, they come and go.

So for this fresh start. I am going to give you two quotes. One from a great teacher of mine who wrote this to me at a time when I was deeply seeking. The other is from me. I suggest reading these, then reading them again, then sitting with a glass of tea and reading them a third time , then letting them steep in and be explored by the mind. Take the lines and allow them to springboard and open you to what you have been seeking.

These lines will stay with you for life, they will open a teaching and path that will go on forever, deeper and deeper into you life. Ten years from now as these lines have worn into your life like the worn out frets of a guitar they will over the deepest wisdom that will be unable to explain yet known by all who stop and see you.

Here they are: (enjoy this gift)


  1. " Look deeply to see if (insert name) exists?"

This line was given to me by Charlie Hayes in CA. It immediately places you in a place where you are watching yourself.

  1. "Your Center is.... Everything"

Feel the silent centering energy of being, and now feel it as life , as all objects as everything. This is your Center.

Now go fresh into this world again and See. THIS.. is HOME