Waisted Time

in #writing7 years ago

The perseption of time and how we spend it can be a very important part of your life. But what if you don't believe in this realities idea of time? what if you look at time as if it was a never ending cycle that repeats its self over and over again, not just going forward for going backwards, staying present, and moving forward all at the very same time as if the events that happen every day we pre determined. If you believe that anything that can be will be, then you believe is a sense that everything is pre determined. leading to a point that seems harder to explain than understand. the present was made in the past and the past the made in the future as if the cycle was self replication. Now if the Muti-verse if something you can fathom than think about the idea of all possibilities happening and this very instant in the same world as our but invisible to us... thinking we are so special only having this single earth doesn't make total sense, its just easier. looking at the bigger picture if you are afraid of doing something, wish you had done something, or are regretting something. The idea of a Muti-Verse is actually amazing because the odds of that what ever you wished for or wanted, what ever it is, has, will, and or is happening. you think you don't have a fate but most likely you've been giving a number and are being replicated by time in some way shape or forum. don't be afraid if you lost someone on this earth on another earth somewhere they might be alive and happy like nothing happened. The possibilities are endless and incomprehensible. Don't be afraid for what ever could be has, is, or will be.