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RE: A Complicated Relationship - Steve Jobs vs BIll Gates - Book Club #17: "Steve Jobs"

in #writing7 years ago

Rivalry is the greatest thing someone can have, it pushes a person to work as hard as he can, the anger of being second, no one wants to be second, just the pure shame is enough to push oneself to new heights.
I do however wonder, image what would happen if they both worked together, do you think the world would have advanced faster or slower?
I didn't know jobs couldn't programme xD but it kinda makes sense
Even though they were rivals i bet that bill misses Steve, he was one of the only ones that actually gave bill some fight...


I agree, rivalry is an incredibly powerful motivator. I don't have a "rival" in the same sense as Jobs and Gates, but I like to think of myself as the rival of myself - I'm constantly working to "beat" myself and be better today than I was yesterday - I think this is the type of mindset that successful people like to carry, they like to constantly improve and move the needle closer into the direction of the future they imagine.

Haha, yes! I was also surprised by the fact that he couldn't program!