To Serialize or Not to Serialize? [Discussion]

in #writing7 years ago

Steemit is an experiment. The website logo changed, but the word "beta" remains. I have been treating it as such. I've posted a wide variety of content types - from short stories and opinion articles, to memes and random photos of cute animals that I come across. Some types had more success than others in attracting followers, commenters, curation teams and upvoters. 

Recently, I found myself wondering about the value each posts holds for me and for readers. Do I benefit from posting pictures of baby bats as much as a benefit from posting a short story I write for that purpose? The answer is obvious.

Speaking to @poet and ranting about my lack of productivity, I felt like this might be the time for me to focus a bit. @poet simply said: "You know you can now write your book, and only write your book, and get paid for it (on steemit), the same you'd get paid for anything else."

My book. "Mistress of Magic." I've been trying to turn those images in my mind into decipherable text for a few years now, aggressively cheered along by @didic , @poet and others. But, alas, life has gotten in the way. That book (or a few chapters of its very first draft) were the highest-paying posts I had on the platform in my first run.

So what now?

I have a few questions to answer. 

  1. Should I serialize the novel on steemit or stick to experimentation till something else sticks? 
  2. Should I do so under my username or perhaps open an account exclusively for it? 
  3. Most importantly, how do I deal with the fact that I was already PAID for previous drafts of some of the chapters (some were deleted from the current draft) if I want to post a (draft of a) novel from start to end on steemit before anywhere else?

Becoming a published novelist is something I've always wanted. With steem and SBD being as high as they are, I can actually afford to seriously focus on it while getting rewarded.

What do you think I should do? Tell me in the comments!


Check out some of my previous posts!


לדעתי, אותו יוזר, פשוט תתחילי להזרים את הספר עם לינקים בין הפרקים. אני מבטיח לקרוא. ברשותך אדפיס חלק כי מעדיף לקרוא מנייר

  1. Definitely serialize it, why not? You really want to have a novel to your name, why not use the financial and moral support this platform allows to make it happen?

  2. You should definitely use your current account. You have a following of people, that are in part people that want to read that novel. You have other followers that are interested in you, and want to be exposed to more of your content. I honestly can't see a reason to open another account, unless you want to have a "serious" account, for "business", which I know you don't. Either people want to work with you, as you are, or they can go look elsewhere.

  3. I don't see an issue. People that already saw it and don't want to upvote it again, simply won't. It's not like you're just copy pasting, you're starting over with another draft.

  1. OK
  2. I can have a seperate account for novels / short stories and just resteem it all on this account. So people who don't want my blog can still read my book. And people who read my blog will get exposed to new installments even if they don't follow the "serious business author" account.
  3. Makes sense. You do that, make sense. I love you.

It's not like you're going to flood this account with posts that it will be hard to see just the stories. Use a consistent thumbnail, and everyone will have an easy time finding just your book, if that's what they want.

I think it was graphic designer Milton Glasser who said, “people crave short novel experiences” He was implying people are impatient and don’t want to commit or give you too much of their time. It’s for that reason I try to keep my posts concise. I like reading short stories on Steemit, but have a hard time committing to a serial novel. When I read novels I want to sit down and read the whole thing. Having said this many have done well with this format, so the waters are muddy, just do what you want and attract those who like it.

Yeah, I don't see myself committing to the book 100%. I'll still post other stuff, but this is more about getting that little fanbase of readers who will bug me to death if a chapter is late, and give me comments. All the comments.

Due to Steemit limitations to properly filter an account, I would suggest another account for the book. Create verticals, since that is what your followers would like, in general. BUT, Steemit is Steemit and with my own experience having a second account, I advice to work in your current account. Any new account will have issues attracting the bigger fish in the pond. Did you know when posting through, you get a vote from them, always? Adds the the rewards :) Anyway, what you should do when using your existing account for the book, create catalogue posts from time to time, included links to all previous posts in the series you made. If not useful to anybody else, then at least useful for yourself :)

I would say, when your drafts are on paper, not online, then copy/paste them into Steemit and get dollars for it. Work and time is done, and you'll add extra time creating the post; That is a value in it self, although not directly to us, the readers of your post, but indirectly it is since without you executing that task we cannot read your stories.

That's the plan. Seperate account, resteeming to my account and noting that some parts were publiushed a year ago. If cheeta catches it, I'll add a note saying all SBD payout will be donated to steemcleaners (till I decide on other initiatives). :)

Good approach on SBD when re0use some of the older material. But to be honest, I think when you upgrade your old material, you are allowed to repost it without declined payout. When people do not want to vote on it, that is their choice. I personally would vote for a re-post of upgraded materials when I like the upgraded material, when the upgrade itself is enhancing the (new) outcome. I would not give such vote when I curate using high value vote power which is meant for those who have good posts but low attention (as I'm doing for music). I must say, when somebody re-circles (with upgrades) all the time their material, then I would stop looking at that material, maybe even the author.

I like the idea of a new account for such a big project. Then you can re steem it from your main acct, also keep the clutter down for readers. I’d say to make s table of contents below every chapter too, cuz navigation could be annoying after many chapters.

You could probably fundraise here for the new acct too...

Go for it!

Steem funds are not an issue. And I made sure to do that when I first serialized the very first draft last year. Thank you for the reply! <3

Tough questions. I was trying to finish up my own book over the winter break and thought about doing the same. I even posted a part of the beginning on Steemit to see if people would have interest in it. So far, not so much, but I'l probably going to still post at least three chapters when the whole thing is done.

If you were paid for the drafts, you should check that you didn't sign over any distribution rights, or gave anyone exclusivity to them or derivatives of them. I didn't have the same issue, since my book is self published, never marketed, badly proofread and it makes sense that Volume 1 has sold about 12 copies since 2015.

In that aspect, serialization works. I can't see how I could have had it all so close to being done if I didn't shove half of it out the door and said "THERE, you're done. I'm not going to obsessively change you constantly, hunting for perfection and ending up with nothing".
Serialization is how I even got to actually building Volume 1 as it was, started a version of the book by posting chapters of it on a forum. They've since been remade to not be as awful, but having people ask what happens next was a good motivator go keep going and keep actually finish it... some day.

As for posting it as its own thing or on your account, I'd personally go for having it be its own thing. It something I should have done for Tale of Doom, and I probably will when I decide to post more of it. Or it would be nice if Steemit allowed something like subaccounts, or if there was something on the blockchain dedicated to books, like we've got Steepshot for pictures.

you should check that you didn't sign over any distribution rights, or gave anyone exclusivity to them or derivatives of them

Paid on steemit. They were never published anywhere else. Scroll down my profile for like a year and see.

Or it would be nice if Steemit allowed something like subaccounts, or if there was something on the blockchain dedicated to books, like we've got Steepshot for pictures.


In any case, looks like I'll be creating a seperate account for the project.

I wonder. The problem with reposting here might be that you may not be able to publish it elsewhere later, or you could publish it as an eBook I guess.

But, what should you do? If you think actually publishing it here will help you actually get it done, then go for it. It's similar to my own situation and not writing, say, Hebrew Guides for Steemit - I'd rather focus on what makes me happy in the long term, even if it's less profitable both in the short and long term, compensation wise.

As for you having been paid for them in the past, so long you didn't sign away rights, and make it known at the bottom of a post covering said material, then go for it. If you were paid by a limited group of people, you can reach out to them and ask for their thoughts. If they paid you in order to support you, rather than for the content itself, then they'll likely support you now as well. If they paid for the content, then it's actually a lot messier, and you should talk to them and/or a lawyer.
Content on Steemit isn't actually "paid for" in this manner, by the by (for other parties reading this).

I'd do it under your current account. Just have a link to an external site with links to all the chapters, and a link to the first and previous chapters in each post. Each post should hopefully be posted 6.5 days after the last, so you could future-link. Or then again, if you know the next post's name, you'll be able to link to it even before it is written. Ah-ha!

As for experimentation, do it if you want to experiment, or if you just want to post all sorts of content. Has very little to do with anything else, I'd say.

Draft chapters were posted exclusively on steemit. Nowhere else. The payouts here were nice.

Great minds think alike. I have started serialising some pieces myself with the idea of doing a novel in this form if it works out. I don't have your reach and, without wanting to point out the obvious, neither would a new account. I, like you, created one anyway. But it remains unused as yet.
My advice on the previous chapters would be to decline payment on them if they've been previously published on Steemit. It will still build a following even if it does nothing immediate to fill your purse or wallet.
It can be done. I've seen it done. I've done the math and, even from a very slow start like mine, it should be worthwhile down the line.
Looking at the value of the upvotes on this query piece alone in one hour, this will definately be worth your while.
I'm already following you, so I look forward to your first chapter.
(Iridium Dawn)

Since it's been so massively re-written, and since payout declined posts get reduced visibility, how about I donate 100% of the SBD received for posts that are too similar to chapters previously posted to some community steem initiative (of the commenters' choice)?

An excellent idea! Do you want to leave it to the commenters? Bound to be someone upset if you choose one of their charitable purses over another. Why not use it in your curation endevours and whaleslap a few newbies? Just let it be known that's what you're doing. I can't think of anyone that would object to that especially if you featured them and their creations. Strangely, in this way, you could get the coin back from new posts.
Either way, great idea.

Have you seen my VP lately? Dolphin-slapping around. :)

I can do better. I can use the @minnowbooster gifting feature and have a weekly post featuring the top 5 authors / posts I've purchased upvotes for with the SBD earned for chapters too similar to previously published ones. That's not a bad idea. I get to keep the SP for both posts. And SP is love.

Yes it is. I'll waive my usual commision on this one :)
Good luck.

If you serialkillerize, you can deny payouts for the parts, that you were already paid for, should you feel that you are overcompensated. To be honest, i dont think that would be an issue, if it's just some small parts.

Also, the novel must have a raven who lives on a mountaintop.

And his name will be Georgy?

But seriously - I re-wrote it. It's not like I will be starting where I left off last year. It's not even the same plot, location, and I switched around characters and added 2 new chapters and threw one out... I am divided.

so it's completely another book? problem solved.

And the raven has a girlfriend raven, who he calls his "mamasita", but the girlfriend is reluctant and frigid and is interested in other stuff other than being a raveny girlfriend.

Sounds like you should be writing a book yourself!!!

It's not a completely other book. Some scenes stayed but moved. Some were added. Some removed. Ugh. Might just get over my shit and post them with a disclaimer and let voters / downvoters figure it out.