Mistress of Magic: Morgan's First Apprentice - Chapter 7 - Sharing [NSFW]
New to the story? Previous chapters can be found on the@mistress account that was created exclusively for this novel. Follow @mistress for your weekly installment of Mistress of Magic every Saturday.
Disclaimer: This chapter includes detailed descriptions of sexual acts that may be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Be advised and enjoy yourself. ;)
I nodded at Morgan, still trying to get used to how different my body suddenly felt, how much lighter everything was.
"That feeling. That sharpness of your senses. That never goes away. No matter how low your reserves run, some power stays with you and becomes part of you and changes you forever," Morgan explained. I licked my lips. They tasted salty.
"It was magnificent," I managed to say finally. Even my own voice sounded different to me; deeper, stronger and more present.
"As it should be." Morgan said and put her arm around me. I slipped off the table and was surprised that my feet agreed to carry me. Morgan's arm still firmly around my shoulder, she led me back to the pool and I stepped in, letting my body sink into the hot water. I slipped farther, letting my head sink too, and emerged a moment later, brushing back my wet hair.
The taste of my sweat, the warmth of the water on my skin and the passion that still burned in the pit of my stomach were all-consuming and stronger than anything I ever felt. It was like the very power that brought the world into existence was flowing through me, giving my senses more dimensions than I ever imagined. How much of this was the “high” Morgan said I should expect, and how much of it would stay part of me, making me more than I had been?
"But you are not full," Morgan stated calmly. I blinked and looked at her, uncertain at first as to what she meant. "Reach in." Her voice, like the velvety texture of the oil-infused water of the warm pool wrapped around me as she sat down beside me. She took my hand. "Reach for the place that now glows with power inside you." It seemed she knew exactly how I felt at that moment. Did all Ladies experience this as I did?
"You sense it. But it is not overflowing. There’s room for more.”
"It's… yes," I mumbled. "The color wants to come out and paint the world but there is room for so much more color, so many more shades..." I trailed off as the door opened, drawing my attention. It was Mason, still naked, carrying a tray with two crystal chalices of fruit wine. I suddenly realized how thirsty I was.
"It's a beautiful metaphor, Lilith." I smiled, flattered. Mason walked toward us and knelt, lowering the tray so we could take the drinks. I eyed him as I took the chalice and sipped from it. The coldness of the fruit wine was a pleasant contrast against the warmth of the water. Mason put the tray away and joined us in the pool, instantly in his place without his Mistress saying a single word.
"How does it feel to share a mental link with your Knights?" I asked Morgan as we drank. Mason knelt before her in the water, massaging her submerged feet.
"It’s not constant, but you can't really help it after a while. Their minds are open to me and all I have to do is reach." Morgan paused and sipped her fruit wine, enjoying Mason's familiar firm touch on her feet.
"So you can control it fully?" I asked.
“Of course," Morgan answered and finished her fruit wine. "But I have their consent. I will not touch their thoughts without them welcoming me into their mind, though I could. And you cannot touch my thoughts if I do not invite you in."
I finished my drink and placed the elegant chalice on the side on the tub.
"But I want to give you a little peek into my mind as we share Mason," she said, placing her empty chalice next to mine, then reached into the water to pull Mason closer to her. "Let's get some more Power in you," the Mistress purred at me almost playfully.
"More?" I asked just as playfully. Morgan grinned at me.
"Dearest, put a towel on the floor and lie on it," Morgan said to Mason and the young Knight hurried to obey. His wet body glistened as he hurried to carry out his Mistress' orders. Morgan climbed out of the pool, leaving a wet trail as she slid herself closer to Mason and unceremoniously wrapped her hand around his semi-erect cock. She stroked him and he responded almost immediately.
"Come sit on his face," Morgan invited me. Another round, then. I emerged from the pool, leaving a trail as I made my way to Mason across the marble floor. I knelt over him and looked down at his inverted face below me.
The young Knight eyed me, and I could see his desire, his readiness and the reflection of the light of power in my eyes in the deep brown of his irises. I inched forward, so that my pubes were right over his face and smiled as I saw his neck tense as he reached up with his face and tongue to lick me. I let my knees slide to the sides, lowering my labia to meet his lips. He moaned deeply as his arms wrapped around my thighs again.
Morgan watched me and continued to stroke Mason's cock slowly, her touch almost too soft against the stretched skin of his erection. As her hand came down, she let her fingers slip over his ball-sack, teasing. I blinked slowly and tried to focus on the pleasure I was receiving while maintaining eye contact with Morgan, even though the eye contact seemed unnecessary – I could feel her, sense her. It was a strange sensation, like looking through someone else’s eyes while seeing through my own. Like I wasn’t alone in my head.
The young Knight's tongue caressed my clitoris and keeping balance as I sat on his face became increasingly harder, especially when my hips began to do their involuntary dance. I slouched forward and placed my hands on his chest.
I watched Morgan slowly straddle Mason, rub her pubes against his penis, then with a sigh, take him into her. I could swear I sensed a chill of pleasure run through me as she did, and I watched her eyes gloss over for an instant, before the light inside them grew brighter. The light of power bathed us as our bodies began to move in a slow, steadily increasing rhythm.
"Take my hands," I heard Morgan think at me as she reached out to me with her hands and her mind. Her thoughts at me weren’t words, but images and concepts in magic form.
I lifted my palms from Mason's chest and took Morgan's hands. Touching her was as electric as the first touch of Mason's tongue against my clitoris. I suddenly sensed her very being. What her collection of memories and experiences had made her. Who she truly was. It was indescribably beautiful and yet dark.
Morgan’s lips parted as power swirled in and around us, our bodies moving in perfect sync. I could sense her pleasure, her desire and her hunger – so much like mine. We were like mirror images of one another, our bodies glistening in the light of the power.
Our movements sped up as our bodies and minds communicated pleasure and desire. Mason's moans into my groin grew louder and the sound vibrated against my clitoris. I was getting close. So was Morgan, I could sense it. And, obviously, Mason. I didn't need to see his pelvis rise on its own to meet Morgan's halfway or his abs contracting or even pay attention his pulse, which I could now see in the blood pumping through him. I sensed his pleasure. I felt his desire intensifying my own. My eyes closed and all I could see was the light of power behind my eyelids.
"Now," I sensed Morgan whisper in my mind. I realized that I was waiting for her to say that, but then my mind became still, just as my body gave in to the sensation completely.
I came, shaking as waves of power and pleasure washed over me and swirled in my center. I felt the energy gushing into my power reserves and could sense Morgan feeling the same. A second later, as the darkness wrapped me and my grip on Morgan's fingers weakened, I felt a pang of self-hatred. I suddenly realized that I had been so trained to obey and please, that a part of me was waiting for Morgan's approval to have an orgasm.
"You are wrong, Little One," Morgan thought at me. She stared intensely at me, her face blushed and sweaty. I stared back. "You were there as much as I was. You didn't need my approval. Your pleasure is yours. You owe it to no one, and the fact that you released with me just means that you are in control even when you are not. This is a good thing, Lilith.”.
I wanted to reply, but suddenly remembered that Mason’s face was still between my thighs. His gentle kisses tickled a little and I smiled, trying to find the ability to stand.
Morgan rose to her feet, still holding my hands. I got up with her assistance, and faced her, never taking my eyes off hers. I felt shaky on my legs like a newborn calf. Mason retreated to the marble slab to clean himself, and Morgan led me back into the pool, letting the water wash the sweat and cum off her.
"There is one more thing we must share tonight, before we leave for the Iron Coast tomorrow." Morgan’s voice sounded different than her mind, and it was almost surprising. "It is a ritual. One I, personally, am not a fan of."
I looked at her, tempted to reach out to her with my mind, to feel her comforting presence in my thoughts. No wonder the Knights preferred to communicate with their Mistresses through thought rather than words. Before I tasted power, I didn’t notice how limiting words were.
“What ritual?” Morgan nodded at Mason to leave. He eyed me quickly, then exited the room without a word.
Morgan paused, looking a little tense.
"Your maidenhood," she finally spoke. "They teach you at the college that it belongs to the sisterhood, do they not?"
I nodded. At the college, we learned that if you were given to the Sisterhood as a maiden, your maidenhood belonged to them. If a Lady were married to the man the Sisterhood has chosen for her, the sisterhood would “gift” him her maidenhood. Those not chosen to wed… well, we never delved into that.
“Good.” She sighed heavily and climbed out of the pool. “Dry up and meet me in my bedroom. There is something I must fetch for this ritual, and then I will meet you there.”
“Yes, Mistress,” I answered feeling curious, but also terribly anxious.
My endless gratitude to the wonderful ladies (and gents) at @isleofwrite (and an extra THANK YOU to @jrhughes , my shoulder to whine on) for reviewing, editing and holding my shaky hand. Make sure to follow @mistress and catch the next chapter next Saturday.
Quick survey: Who here would be interested in hearing an audio version of Mistress of Magic?
damn....that's spicy
would make a much better movie than 50 shades and full novel
yeahhhh and pubes, finally....am so sick of this whole notion that nobody has body hair and such. right on
Novel in the works. It's too long for a movie. I am thinking HBO / Netflix series. :P
People have them. If they get too bushy - one should trim for hygienic purposes. My editor, however, refused to have the word "moist" before them, claiming no one likes moist pubes. Or anything moist. :P
lmfao, "moist pubes"
there I said the forbidden phrase as well, now we are forever labeled as women up to nothing but stirring the pot.
tosses a very large spoon......
FYI @jrhughes
People poop too, doesn’t make it sexy 😆. It’s just an opinion though. Maybe “moist pubes” are a turn on, I did say I wasn’t the best source on erotica lol. 😅
I just wonder if describing the pubes as dry and crispy as the Sahara is more or less "sexy" then ....... moist pubes
have a good one techslut and internet peoples.... from battleaxe (the struggle is real and so are moist pubes) ...up up and awaaayyyyyyy
#teammoistpubes is my new favorite hashtag.
oooOOO I likey!!
Gave me the shivers
Audio book for sure! I would love that!!
Ok I am going to have to update myself on the past chapters hehe
I am getting a really good mic (courtesy of @didic ) soon, so I might just start uploading chapters to dsound. See if there's interest. I am going to blush so hard while reading this...
YEs! This is going to be so good!
An audio version would be great. Episodic podcast style! I'm hooked...now I have to go back and read all of them.
I thought of just reading them out and uploading to dsound.
Don't let anyone talk you into toning down your writing. I love the level of explicit detail in the sex scenes. It's beautifully written.
And, yes an audio version sounds interesting. I would read along.
Maybe after that you can provide a video version, acting out the scenes. Hee, hee, hee.
science fiction, fantasy, and erotica
Audio version? Like respective voices for respective roles...like in the case of audio drama? If so, yes!
Btw I looove this novel
There is hell lot of sensuality in your write up... Wild writing and such passionate delivery of every single fan.. Great
great & remarkable!
phenomenal & accomplishment!
a very good story ,, I've been following @mistress for the weekly Mistress of Magic weekly installment. even I've perna read the contents of this post ,,,
I am amazed at the masters that they are so great in doing that extraordinary way ....
your opinion is true The feeling is that your senses, never lost, no matter how low your reserve, some power remains with you and become part of you and change you forever, "Morgan explained.I licked my lips they tasted salty.
but this is a dancing experience I've never felt ...

Nice post!