Thoughts #46 — On People #12
Some people like to judge just to feel better about their sad life.
It is so obvious with these people. All they do is criticize, criticize and criticize everybody and everything. It's just their way to escape from their number one fear, autocriticism and how sad is that?
So every time I come across people like that, I just pity them, I don't really take anything they say seriously, why would I? All I do is listen and wait the right moment to leave and call it a night.
If they are over 25 I usually kick those people out of my life, hanging out with them is always a huge waste of time but if they are younger I always try to help. Why? Because they might change...

For my other thoughts
On people
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
on sleeping
on dealing with problems
random thought
on our society
on sharing
on commenting here
on problems 2
on mood
on problems #3
on lying
on being grateful
about myself
on respect
on society 2
usa future
on what matters
on friendship
on intolerance
on politics
on looking decent
on smiling
on being young
Sharing your problems is a solution but judging others is not a good choice 😊.
Sir I want to say one thing that you are very nice to help people younger than you. But sometimes in our life people older than us also needs same reaction .I Know everyone can't but some people change let's try our best
Thank you. Yeah but problem is that it's a lot harder to change older people, it's almost a mission impossible...
True that's why I said not everyone can be change but some people are always present in this mean world as exceptions.
Yeah I know but I'd rather use my energy on better odds...
That's also good I met so many arrogant people in my life that I lost trust in people around me but one person changed my opinion I hope that you can find a someone too 😊
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