Starrwolf's Road Map - Another new excerpt...finally again!
Howdy Steemtrotter!
Just as I mentioned earlier in my previous post, more was coming like coldweatherseason...And here it is.

**Starrwolf's Road Map to Probably the Wrong Side of the Unviverse** Chapter 0.1 Section 1.5
On the fifth starrday Ashaka created the Hed of All Woodlands, Verdner von Visible. With this creation a great spreading of Aether Bark and Greenwood overtook the Tricosmos, making Ashaka's sight known. On the sixth starrday of creation Ashaka materialized the Hed of All Metallics, Yogurcus. In this creation a great shimmering of Aether Gold and Silver speckled the Tricosmos, making Ashaka's smell...smelt. On the seventh Saturday Ashaka created the Hed of All Sparks, Ramu-hing. With this electrified creation a great charging of Aether Spark and Buzzboom permeated the Tricosmos, making Ashaka's chaos unknown. Upon reaching the eighth starrday of creation, Ashaka, now drained from the endeavors of manifesting what has become known as the Pantheon of Positron Protectors, breathed a sigh of relief and exhaustion. With this silent exhalation another creation was brought into the Tricosmos; the form that would embody all that Ashaka had previously brought into being, Serpiculous Saltimus. It is this form that the Kinda-Great Ashaka would be bound to within the Tricosmos.
Hope you enjoyed another brief excerpt from the Road Map to Probably the Wrong Side of the Universe.
Have a Steemy Night everyone!
good going my friend