My New Sci-Fi/Fantasy RPG Book is Now Available

in #writing6 years ago

Hey everyone. It's been quite a while since I posted here. I thought I might make my grand return by announcing the release of my brand new RPG rulebook!


Blades & Blasters is designed as a supplement for Dungeons & Dragons and other 5th Edition role playing games. It takes the swords & sorcery world of D&D 5th Edition and adds high-tech science fiction into the mix by way of an alien invasion. This is not a stand-alone gaming system, but rather a supplement to the core rules and settings of 5th edition D&D. The book introduces a host of new weapons, technologies and monsters.

It's over 130 full-color pages packed with beautiful illustrations and all the information you need to run a sci-fi/fantasy adventure.

This book, which will hopefully be the first of many Blades & Blasters products has taken me the better part of two years to complete. I ran a tremendously successful Kickstarter campaign, raising almost 1000% of my goal.

Pick it up on DriveThruRPG

It's available on DriveThruRPG in the following editions:

  • Watermarked PDF - $12.99
  • Hardcover, Premium Color Book - $34.99
  • Softcover, Standard Color Book - $24.99
  • Watermarked PDF + Hardcover, Premium Color Book - $34.99
  • Watermarked PDF + Softcover, Standard Color Book - $24.99

If you're getting a physical book, make sure you order one of the last two options which adds the PDF version at no extra cost!

Here are a few sample pages:
