God loves the sceptics.

What matters after death?
Karma? Doesn't matter.
Good and bad? Nope.
Compliance? Hell no, that's the last thing that would matter ever.
But come on, something should matter, right?
Not really. Heaven is not waiting for you. Neither is hell. There is nothing but black nothingness waiting for you. But it's an illusion. Everything stays black, until you realize, that you have to accept: No concept of god was right. No god of any culture ever existed. No action could bring you closer to god. The word god itself is actually just empty. At that moment, when you realize that you know nothing, that infinite questions do exist, but not a single answer does, than it will happen: The doors will open. The black disappears and leaves nothing but cosmic anarchy. Everything is possible. Forever.
Was ist wichtig nach dem Tod?
Karma? Unwichtig.
Gut und schlecht? Nee.
Regelkonformität? Nein, das ist das letzte, was jemals wichtig wäre.
Aber etwas sollte wichtig sein, oder?
Nicht wirklich. Der Himmel wartet nicht auf dich. Weder wartet die Hölle. Da wartet nichts als schwarzes Nichts auf dich. Aber es ist eine Illusion. Alles bleibt schwarz, bis du erkennst, dass du akzeptieren musst: Kein Konzept von Gott hatte Recht. Kein Gott irgendeiner Kultur existierte jemals. Keine Handlung könnte dich Gott näher bringen. Das Wort Gott selbst ist eigentlich nur leer. In diesem Moment, wenn du erkennst, dass du nichts weißt, dass unendlich viele Fragen existieren, aber nicht eine einzige Antwort, dann wird es passieren: Die Türen werden sich öffnen. Das Schwarz verschwindet und hinterlässt nichts als kosmische Anarchie. Alles ist möglich. Für immer.
Would this be considered an Atheist or Materialist perspective?
I think it is very interesting that we don't actually know what will happen when we die, because so many people have already done so! I have read a staistic that 60% of Living People have had contacts or unexplainable experiences with loved ones who have crossed over into Death. If that is true, from your perspective it would mean that 60% of people are imaging something false or hopeful. That would be sad!
The topic of the Unknown after the physical body dies is as mysterious as the fact that words are in mind and I am typing them. Where are my words coming from? Where was your idea created? Why did you write that post, and why do I respond?
To me, our ideas and where they come from and how we articulate them is an unknown as what will happen when we die. What if we are all little pieces of whatever God is?
When you know someone who dies, you can still feel the energy of the person inside you.
Memories are living spaces. You can still picture the face or the smile and hear the voice in you. Maybe the light that turns to darkness, doesn't disappear as fast as you write about. Maybe the anarchy and the loss doesn't begin until after more time has passed.
As in my example there, on an energetic "feeling" level, people do live inside us, until we also die. Photos, ideas, historical influences, genetics, art, all these items can extend the life and energy of an individual on earth. On a material level, a body takes time to decompose and will feed and spread it's caloric energy, either to fire, or to earth-- the point being, it doesn't disappear into cosmic anarchy right away. Rather a life slowly transforms.
Here on earth we see one thing with our physical limitations. On another level, we are totally clueless, until we get our turn. I like the mystery of it all, I think it makes the story more exciting.
Who really knows, but how fun it is to imagine all the different possibilities! How interesting to imagine that some people and cultures claim they do know what happens. I like to investigate all the possibilities! This blog post was good for me to explore. Thank you!
I like what you are saying! I'm very curious about death, but I don't like sticking to fixed ideas. That's what I somehow wanted to express in this writing. I kind of enjoy it to have questions but no answers. It makes life more adventurous. You are right, people live inside our selves in some kind of way. At least it is helpful when a loved person dies, to keep this person alive inside. There are two deaths for everyone: The one when the heart stops beating, and the one when no one talks or thinks about the death person anymore. Thanks for your nice comment, I really like to see a comment with so much thoughts and effort. Have a nice evening/day :)
Well, no. Nothing should matter after death, since death is an ending. I guess the more complete question is "matter to whom"? - since to matter is a question of meaning and value. And value ultimately springs from you, the one doing the valuing.
We're in agreement here - but it's just always so strange to me. There is so much that matters in life - in reality. Why would anyone want to look outside of life and reality for what matters?
So much people do it and look outside what might matters. I think everybody should do what he/she wants to do, but at least it's a bit dangerous. It can make vulnerable to ideologies and dogmas. Better to leave the matter inside live itself :)
Sorry for the shameless self-promotion, but I actually wrote a bit about this too recently: https://steemit.com/philosophy/@jpgaltmiller/meaning-in-a-world-without-god
For me, when it comes to value and meaning, it's not about should, it's about is, based on the nature of the concepts. (If that makes sense.) It's a question of subjects living within an objective reality.
"At that moment, when you realize that you know nothing..."
Socrates, after propounding Philosophy for so long, at the end, said, "The only thing I know is that I know nothing".
Very nice sentence. I like it. Also I like that one:
“There is a transcendental dimension beyond language... It's just hard as hell to talk about!”
― Terence McKenna
This is so similar to the mystic Hindi poet Kabir's verses:
"This is a Secret Divine,
It's not something to be said and heard.
One who knows about It, isn't able to express It in words
And one who talks about it knows nothing in the first place."
Thanks for the recommendation, I will check him out, as I'm currently involved in opening a psychedelic bookshop :)
Heh, well, he'd been saying that for a while. It was his way to wrestle with his intellectual opponents. Funnily enough, I just wrote about Socrates, if you want to take a look: https://steemit.com/philosophy/@jpgaltmiller/socrates-and-individualism-part-iv-final-historical-and-philosophical-underpinnings-of-a-graphic-novel
Wow nice, I will read that :)
as we know we live only temporarily. so from your post I can membanyangkan .. what will we do after our death later?
What is membanyangkan? I don't know what it means, but sounds like something what we will do after death maybe :p
apologize first. it is just my fault using google translate engine. sorry .. because i do not understand what you say i tried to translate it with Google translate
Death is the end, brother. Even if there is something after death, we do not know it. There's no way we can. Presently.
It reminded me of this dialog from one of my favourite movies
"When everthing you thought to be true, turns out to be a lie - what then?"..."It can't hurt to be a good boy" :D
Which movie is it? :)
It's from "A serious man". I absolutely love this movie (it's not a mainstream Hollywood movie but it is brilliant, do watch if you have some time on your hand :) )
Sounds very cool, thank you very much for recommending :)
Seems like something Nietzsche must have thought. His works are revolutionary. Life-changing.
Cool! I will check out his work. Anything you would recommend for Nietzsche newbie?
YouTube videos by the channel "Academy of Ideas" did the job for me. Then you must start reading about him and critic's comments on his works before directly approaching his works. This is because his writings are quite ambiguous and misinterpretable.
good job
This reminds me of the concept I learned a few days ago about atheism somewhere when it said that if you do not believe God exists you're denying something without any research of your own. And if you do believe he/she/it does, then show me the proof.
God is an ongoing debate to some while a line to others for staying on a side of. But as I read this post, I say God is your skepticism that this world needs. Nice post sir!
Warum gibst Du dem Post einen Tag "deutsch" wenn Du englisch schreibst?
Ist doch auf deutsch ab der Hälfte ;)
Aahahah nice! Just to stay on the topic =)
instead of living looking for answers it's better to just LIVE