
I initially chose the word 'commit' as my 2019 word.
Ironically, I couldn't commit to the word 'commit' and switched to 'fluid' instead.
In 2016, my word was 'focus' and I'm pleased to report that by the end of 2018 I got there. By these metrics, I should be fluid by late 2020. Ha!
Last year I carefully mapped out my goals for the year and set monthly and quarterly tasks to help get me there. I detailed everything. I even calculated the time I'd have to spend to reach my targets, then halved it because not even Gary Vee could do ALL THE THINGS that I wanted to do.

And then I barely followed any of it. There's that lack of commitment again!
It wasn't a waste of an exercise, though. I saw exactly how much work I needed to do to get even close to my goals. So, it made me think more about how to best prioritise and structure my time.
I tried being more rigid in my output last year, but honestly, I had no idea what I'd feel like writing about six months into the future or even if I'd want to be writing blog posts on this site or any of my other websites.
By late 2018, I was over the concept of building my online profile. It didn't seem as important any more. Perhaps my ego has taken a back seat? I hope it has.
My core goal in 2019 is to do as much paid project work as possible to keep learning and stretching me in challenging ways. I don't want to get bored.
Financially, I want to keep building that nest egg and pay for all the adventures we have planned. I have some wonderful partnerships and I adore the lovely folk I work with. If we can keep doing our content thing through 2019 and beyond, I'll be very happy.
My secondary goal is to build up my niche sites so they're making a modest income by the end of 2019 when we return to Australia. I want those sites to be generating enough to pay for school fees and rent.
2019 is all about being fluid and responsive to meet those goals.
I'd rather make decisions on what to write about on my niche sites based on data, analytics, keyword research, and where there are real opportunities to make money. Otherwise, what's the point?
Do you have a word that you choose to guide you in a particular year?
Posted from my blog.