Manage my little business

in #writing4 months ago


Hi all Steemians around the world This time I will explain how to manage the business capital that I run. We build a non formal wducation which help student to learn the lesson. We can call it tutorial or course. A little business than can give my family life better and make us can eat and other needs.
As we know we have started it from 2014. Mnaay challenge and obstacle we faced. And now we still face many challenge too. But we are sure that God won't give us task or job that we can not do it. Only need patience, endurance and spirit Will Mak us keep stand..Now I want to tell you about my journey in this business.

First capital

I started my business capital in rupiah. To make it easier to understand, I tried to calibrate it to the Steem coin. As an illustration, I use upbit to adjust the rupiah to Steem with the value as in the screen shot below

Screenshot_20241201_180121 (1).jpg

The first capital I used was around 100,000 Steem. I always use this capital to build buildings, starting from preparing materials such as cement, sand, bricks, construction iron, wood, plywood for casting, bamboo, wire, nails and ceramics. Likewise, we must prepare toiletries such as toilets and pipes. Construction services are paid to workers weekly. On average we have to spend 1000 Steem per week. Construction was completed in 26 weeks. The installation of the electrical installation was carried out by another party and we had to prepare equipment such as cables, connectors, socket fittings, lights, and permits which cost 3000 Steem. Installation of water installations was also carried out. For this reason, we had to buy a water pump machine, pipes, faucets, and well drilling services. The cost for this water installation costs 2000 Steem. We felt the need to purchase equipment such as whiteboards, tables and chairs. To save budget we chose carpet as a base. We also try to save money in other ways. After the building was finished we saw that there was a lot of leftover plywood which we then used to make tables.

Can profit?

This business until now we can't say give big profit because we not just looking for profit but also and ot is the big thing is help many students to learn better.
I am so afraid to increase the fee because we know we live in suburb that not every parents has good economies.
We just want to make everything run well in a simple way. Students are helped, we can operate the business and service include pay the teacher and parents feel not to hars to pay the fee and affordable.
In every chance I and my wife can help as a teacher too. We hire 3 teachers robhelp the business run too. We give salary dor about 18 steem for 4.5 hour a day.

Pandemic and post pandemic

We have pass Pandemic wra buta we can't raise well again. We have bad condition in Pandemic time.
We have no student that a source of our money. We muat keep stand ourselves. We try to hire the teacher and in the end we must surender. The worst decision is to hire teacher with haf time. We also only can paid them half. It a bad time face in that time
When time passed and Pandemic end we try to stand again.
Itbis not essay as we can say. We need hard effort because everyone has no money too. And we find may students has no passion to study.
This challenge make us to get students again.
Promote, discount and free trial we did. And slow but sure we gat student again.

Need more efficient

After Pandemic we try to make up ourselves in management. But we find may hoke in the cost. We are very worry when time to pay teacher we have sufficient money. So we must try to rearrange everything.
But we not hire anyone yet to manage well. I and my wife try to do it. We hope we can do it well.

OK, that all my story about my journey in our business.

Thank you for stoppig by and ready my post. I hope you like it.
Warm regard from Indonesia