
Illuminati confirmed🤣😂😅.

Just kidding... I love the way you honestly expressed some of the mysteries of our present society and of our collective confused state. We are in the age of information yet we might be further from the thruth. I feel that the Earth is in a state of imbalance. Too much Ego, not enough love, not enough feminine energy, right hand not left, ect. Perhaps we are in a stage of getting ourself together, figuring things out so we can proceed to be a great society. This is what this article made me think about. Much Love, Peace and Blessings (((3j)))

Great post, I really like it. I have just stumbled upon this entry and it hit me as the opposite of what I was feeling at the moment. It's amazing how we will explore and expand as a species, searching to know all of the things and yet... there are those moments of silence, sharing with other that we value so much. It actually just helped me figure out the end of what I was writing. So, thanks for that :) Following for sure. Great find. Thanks!

Did You know?? in this reality we are all about 40-80 years behind in all around development ..... Some country's are far more underdeveloped, and all because of the powers to be that control what they try so hard to control every single day. Money, war, entertainment, food, power, gas, and all of your home's and lands. Even water...fuckin water yo..All of this should have been passed. We should be living in the Era of abundance with free energy and if we did a lot of these "problems" would be long gone and eventually paper money would be worthless again...So shhh because we can't let that happen now can we......

Oh yeah and +1 follows from me😎

even some of the most "advanced" science and technology in the public eye is a few hundred years behind... time warps are a bit of a mind fuck.

granted, we do have access to alot that could transform things quite quickly. t'is a challenging path to navigate, however - not as simple or easy as one would hope. we are at a tipping point, in the midst of great transformation, however. the problems - while they might appear to be worsening - are in the midst of being solved...

Great post upvoted and follow :-)

Perhaps that's something each is to discover for themselves, on their own timelines.

This really spoke volumes to me. So often we try to live by someone else's timeline and try to be on someone's level when we have our own level. I have my own timeline and that's the one I should live by. If it's my time to get, experience, lose, win, learn something then it's my time. I accept it.

Excellent and enlightening ideas you've shared with us here :)

Thanks for the great insight!

Interesting subject and questions raised here.
However, as long as God is left out of the equation, the search will not result in a satisfactory answer, whether one believes in God or not. In science talk: If we are missing data, the the observation makes no sense. Or if something does not make sense, we are missing data.

ch @globocop

I tend to see it from another angle, one that I believe compliments your initial point. It's this dissatisfaction you speak of that drives our species into the cosmos to seek out the answers to the unknown. Our curiosity demands it, logic dictates it. On this planet, godly dogma is numerous, abstract and unassured without blind leaps of faith that have often crumbled under the tests of time. These men have no need to seek answers, for they are already assured of their answers. And yet, their teams are numerous and that large black void of space continues to expand with her infinite questions on offer. No man can claim to have the answers to the gods or the cosmos with objective certainty yet. However, I think we should be praising the humans who are actually seeking the data and filling in the gaps to the best of our ability in the meantime.

I can agree generally with this statement.
Emphasis for me is in considering all available data and see which make sense. Occam's Razor Style.

BTW, it is a myth that Christianity, or the Bible for this matter, are anti-science. It's just the opposite. The book is full of scientific assertions, and one can only grasp it's true meaning when studying the book in it's original languages. Because it's not well understood, it is dismissed by the majority of researchers - and searchers.

Thanks for your article and reply.

ch #globocop

So well written, couldn't agree more bro.
Sometimes curiosity isn't a bless, but a curse...
You earned yourself a new follower!

Great post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Yes, life is an amazing mystery and I fully agree with you that peace might very well already be here where we are, now is all we have. Enjoy your day!