Questions often asked about God

in #writing7 years ago

Hello steemitians. Today in my Blog, I am going to bring some questions to light, which are asked very frequently about God. I want everyone to read this post and know about God. I am not a saint or anything, but I have faith and I think its a good thing. The answers are on the basis of "The Holy Bible"

So lets start from here.

**Who is God? **

Well, God is an arbitrary name which Christians give to an immense topic. God is a personal being with three major attrivutes- omniscience (all knowing), omnipotence (all powerful), and omnipresence (everywhere present). He is infinite,without confinements of any kind. He is eternal, that is, He has always existed and always will be. The idea of God is rooted universally in all mankind.

Christians believe God to be a triune Being, having three distinct personalities - Father, Son and Spirit.

Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ is described in 'biographies' written by men who were His followers. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John outline fully the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. Jesus is not like any other man who has ever come on the world scene. He was a man who was born through supernatural circumstances. Someway he was the world's greatest example,a moral teacher of the higgest calibre. However with all due respect to the leaders of othee world religions, Jesus was the only man who claimed to be God.

How do I prove the Bible to be trustworthy

The Bible was written by many authors over a period of several centuries. Yet there is some supernatural continuity guiding its content; in effect, the same truth and content as seen from different viewpoints. For example, the four Gospels- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John- are suited to four distinct and different audiences.

**How do I know that God takes a personal interest in me? **

Jesus Christ-Gof, the creator-is the One who made us in His spiritual image. God has a plan for each life. He alone can answer the great questions of life-who am I? - from where did I come? - where am I going? Etc
. Love is the greatest expression of God. The story is told of a devout Christian, whose religion gave him a deep reverence for all life. One day while out walking, he discovered that he had strayed away from yown and into a farmer's field. In this field was an anthill, a busy city where thousands of ants were going busily about their business. The young man noticed a farmer coming towards the anthill with his plow. Immediately the man was distressed,since to him all life was sacred. The young man wanted to warn the ants. But how? He could shout to them,but could they hear it? He could write in dirt, but could they read? Then he understood. In order to communicate with them, he would have to become an ant.

This shows how God loved mankind so much that he chose to become flesh and blood humanity in order to communicate with him.

**What is sin? **

Sin is the biblical word for failing to live up to God's standard. It includes various shades of meaning under this broad category, ranging from error to wickedness. The bible teaches that sin is not a list or category of deeds or attitudes, but rather er a condition. Man is, by nature, a sinner ; therefore, he commits actions which are sinful. Man's sinful condition has separated him from God,since God is holy and must punish sin. But God also knows that no man can live up to his standards. So, he took the form of man (Jesus Christ) and lived that life for us. If we are repentant, and come to God by faith, He will forgive our sins and give us new nature and eternal life.

What is faith?

Faith is defined as the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. Faith comes from God's word, and without faith, man cannot approach God. Faith is a condition for salvation (forgiveness and eternal life) and curiously, is a quality that is the result of salvation as well.

How can I find eternal life?

The Bible has a very clear outline on how you can be saved. We just have to go through the verses.

Its not only about Bible. Each and every religious book has clear instructions in it on how to find eternal life or salvation. All we have to do is follow them.

P. S. The images are taken fron and


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