Writing Jobs Online – Make Money Writing Content

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

There are many ways to make money writing. Conventionally, writing was a solitary occupation carried out in a quite office with pen and paper. Today, although this is still possible the opportunities for writing are not only greater but considerably more exciting and indeed sociable. This is, unsurprisingly, solely attributable to the rise of the internet. Today the internet opens up all manner of writing jobs and with its ability to bring the world into your living room or office, writing for a living is no longer a lonely pastime. you can even pursue your love of travel as a travel writer

By a quirk of fate the very advent of the internet itself has given rise to a whole industry that is content writing. To stay ahead of the game in the search engine rankings website owners have to constantly add to and refresh the content of their sites.

Writing can be a highly rewarding career and with the added flexibility brought about by the age of the internet it can suit a whole range of people from busy mums to the people with certain disabilities who would otherwise find it difficult to earn a wage.

The majority of those trying to make a living by selling a product or service on the internet neither have the time or the inclination to write large quantities of content for their sites. Not surprisingly companies have sprung up to offer this service and they in turn will employ freelance writers to execute pieces for them to pass onto their customers. By working for one of these content writing companies not only do you get to produce a huge variety of pieces but you also become part of a community of writers, removing some of the loneliness which traditionally put some off the idea of writing as a career.

Starting Out

When starting out as a content writer you will be assessed for your capabilities and if judged appropriate you will normally be taken on as a contractor by the firm, in a self employed capacity. Briefs will be sent to you through some kind of electronic management system.

You will write the appropriate content and submit it for approval. The number of words you write will be recorded over a period, usually monthly and you will be paid by the word. As a rule the rate per word is far from generous, however, the benefits of lifestyle mean that this work suits many people.

Setting Up As A Freelancer

Of course if you wish to earn greater rewards it is indeed possible to set up on your own as a freelance content writer. To do this you will need a portfolio of work and find a conduit through which you can advertise your services.

Thankfully this last part is extremely easy. Not without irony it is the internet itself that provide the portal. There are sites on which you may register that act as employment brokers allowing you to advertise your wares to potential clients seeking quality writers.

There are however a few things you need to keep in mind when deciding to become a freelance writer online. Lets first take a look at some of the key things you need to remember to make you stand out as an online freelance writer as well as factors that you make you stand out above the rest! (please take a look at our resources for writers)

One of the key things you need to keep in mind when deciding to become a freelance writer and what will make your career as a freelance writer an instant success is making sure that you choose writing topics that you are interested in. You also need to make sure that you have a lot of knowledge in the topic that you are writing on. You don’t want to choose a subject that you are not knowledgeable in because it will then make it harder for you write about. You never want to write just for the sake of earning and choosing subjects or topics that you are not familiar with will only burn you out.

Another key thing you need to keep in mind when deciding to become a freelance writer is making sure that you provide your customers with fast turn around. Meeting a clients demand will ensure that they come back to you again creating recurrent income that you can depend on! You also want to make sure that you stand out above the crowd by covering an array of different topics such as high in demand topics such as food, cooking, fitness, weight loss, sports, finances, business, and technology subject such as computers and other technical devices. Being more open minded to several topics and areas will give you more options to a steady and lucrative income!

It is also very important that you brush up constantly on your writing skills. Some of the best advice for freelance writers are to learn specific techniques from other writers online. You want to make sure that you always follow the guidelines and word limit that is set by the editor or client requesting the article or articles to be written.

Finding Opportunities

Many freelance writers don’t realize how easy it can be to start earning a pay check doing what they love and all from the comfort of their own home! However, this can’t be more true. There are a ton of ways for a freelance writer to make a good income all online and helpful websites that host freelance writing services making it even easier to start sending money flying to your bank account (or even get out of debt!)!

There are several different ways that you can make money online as a freelance writer. Lets go over some of the best ways to make money online and create a steady flow of income that you can depend on!

There are of course many other opportunities to make money writing both on the internet and elsewhere. Some of these include, reviewing products for product comparison sites on the internet, technical writing if you have a specific area of excellence, or even ghost writing for the rich and famous.

If you are an experienced freelance writer then creating your very own website is not far fetched at all. Simply create a website providing your writing services as well as examples of your work – it is easy to do this with most blogging platforms. After you have created a website displaying your previous work and services, your next step is to of course drive traffic to your sight. You can do this many different ways through article marketing, forum posting, and even advertising your website through other websites that offer similar services.

Another great way you can start earning money online as a freelance writer is by searching for article writing websites such as iwriter.com and needanarticle.com. Some freelance writing websites require specifics when it comes to actually becoming a freelance writer with their company and should be followed to a “t”. There are tons of people searching for freelance writers each and everyday online! Providing your freelance writing services on websites such as the ones mentioned above is a great way to provide you a steady flow of income without having to worry about driving traffic to your services, these websites get the traffic for you!

Make sure that you research and find out other freelancing jobs available online, you will be surprised at how profitable and steady this type of career can be! With hundreds of thousands of freelancing jobs available each and every day on-line, you can definitely see the income you want to see and a rewarding career that you love at the end of the day as a online freelance writer!