Are you having difficulties putting up a good and meaningful content for your site and blog? Then i am here with seven(7) quick and easy steps to help you overcome the difficulties you are passing through at the moment
To me i think this is the very first thing that should come to your mind when ever you consider making or writing a post for your website or blog, you need to first of all put away every single thing you think you know about writing, whether it be the writing rules or not

Yes i know its your website/Blog you are free to do what ever you like or want to do, but first thing first, remember the accountability of your work and services is not determined by you but by your audience/readers, so why not but away every selfish interest of yours and do all it take to trill your audience and keep them entertain.
Learn to put your audience first by giving them what they want and not what you want, put them in your shoes
In order to gain the trust of your audience you will then need to acknowledge there concern
Creativity they say is the quality or ability to create or invent something.
When ever you want to make or write a content for your website or blog, You need to be creative, Be of a measurement based on some quantity and quality, try to come up with complex but simple ideas and formats depending on the type of website/blog content you are writing at the moment.

When i say think outside the box you probably don't need to draw lines outside the perimeter of the nine dots in the "nine dots" puzzle.......... Think beyond the bounds
You may also want to apply this little procedures
1.Think outside the box by been different and quantitative
2.Come up with new and great ideas
3.Don't do what other writers do
4.Be of a measurement based on some quantity and quality
We all know that the fastest and easy way to generate website/blog traffic is to hype and tell un-meaningful lies, especially by generating false news and also selling false and fake ideas which only last for a period of time because is it a scummy thing to do
The most important thing you need to do when writing a content for a website/blog is to always say nothing but the truth. Never over hype something and sell a false and fake ideas to your audience.
Be a realist, be realistic, don't lie in other to get a fame or a particular traffic to your blog because it will not last, it will likely fade off in a very little period of time

As a website/blog owner the best thing that you would always need to do is to consistently upload contents
This will amazingly not only improve your website/blog rankings, but it will also greatly encourage your audience to always tune into your website/blog every day or week just to get reliable and unique information from you. You should also try to upload a post no less than 6 times a week, The closer you get to posting twice a day.Try to use short paragraphs and sentences, Try no to use abusive/fowl languages, always try to use images often to break up the text, Never make a post/upload without an illustrative image.
Trill your audience with suspense, give them a little time and space, don't be to fast to "let the cat out of the bag"
Give them something to hope for, make them hang around for a while, so that they will only not just come on and get the information they need get go off immediately
And also never fail to keep to your promises, because this will in one way or the other make you an unreliable source, and this may make you lose a whole lot of traffic and audience

Finally what you should know and understand is that website/blog owers are not born writers, but yet they are able to write quality posts on their website. In order to write contents on a website and engage your audience, it doesn’t require any special skills or writing experience. All you need to do is know how to fix your words properly, just know how to tell a good story and learn to write in great and awesome style.
Don’t expect to become a professional content writer overnight. Writing consistent, high quality and engaging content takes time. by following all of the steps you have discovered here today, you will now be able to write great contents for your websites/blog........

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Nice one bro... Keep posting articles like this..
thanks bro
i really appreciate