The once lived a tailor bird called jackie who lived on a coconut tree. Jackie always busy but took good care of his family. He would always fly in and out of his little nest, collecting grass to strengthen his nest from the approaching winter. On the same tree lived donnie the crow who was very lazy and spent most time sleeping or gossiping with the other birds in the neighbourhood.
jackie said to donnie “Please repair your nest, the monsoon is soon approaching and the heavy winds could blow it away".
“You worry too much jackie, you must learn to enjoy life. I can get it done in a jiffy, it is a small hole, donnie would say.
As the weeks went by, the hole in Donnie's nest grew bigger and bigger and it was almost falling apart. One night the came a heavy rain, It was then that donnie realised that his family was in danger.
He flew from tree to tree looking for twigs to repair his nest. Finally jackie also gave a helping hand and helped Donnie rebuild his nest. Donnie realised his foolishness and promised never to postpone any work that required immediate attention.