Time and Life Story

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Time and Life used to take the train together to enjoy a long journey, even though she -Life- could not see or touch him -Time-, but somehow she knew he was there with her. However, after traveling by many stations, and enjoying the landscapes through the window, Life had always to get off the train, to say goodbye, and sadly see the train leave, taking Time away from her. One day, when Life realized the train was arriving to her final station, and tired of constantly having to say goodbye and not being allowed to continue the journey, she suddenly got up and said:

-Time why can't I stay with you and keep traveling? Why can't I have you? If I had you forever I could be forever. So why don't we give each other? I would be forever as I said, and you would have me too, you would be alive! I could see you and touch you, I could hug you and even kiss you.

Then Time replies:

-Life if I were alive like you, I would only be for a while, remember death comes with life. "To be forever" does not exist Life, those who are must die, and the immortals must not be.

That was the day Life understood she have always to say goodbye, and she will never be able to continue the journey with Time.