How you can become a better writer in no time, just like I did.

in #writing9 years ago

And yet I still manage to write pretty well, or at least good enough for SEO. That and keeping fresh and funky enough to keep my readers entertained. Well mostly...

Once I had learnt how to speak, read and write I began my journey writing online.

I remember it like it was my first shark week. I started with Facebook posts in English even though all my friends could not understand it.

I then started using resources such as which I still use successfully to help me write better paragraphs.

Slowly but surely things started to sit and I started seeing the light, studying more and more about SEO and soaking as much knowledge as I could out of online writers such as Niel Patel. (I have the biggest nerd crush for him!)

Writing prompts are great for when you have writers block. Simply grab one from google or check out for great new ones every day such as " When you die, you are taken to a leaderboard showing all of the stats of your life, such as how many people have loved you, how many people hated you, etc. As you look at your scores, you begin to notice one of the numbers is increasing. "

Using software to help clean up your work is a great way to instantly improve your writing and grammar. A little cheat I like to use just to make sure it right as rain with enough of the good stuff.

Check out to use the free tool they offer to clean up your posts. Another personal favorite is

Grammarly Extention

Finding you style can be tricky, and I am still finding mine. I often try to write for the audience, but truly being yourself and creating a "brand" that people recognize as you through your words. That is the mark of a true great writer.

The moment you read it and just know it written by that author. Thats the magic moment where an author claims a true voice.

Suffice to say I am not a natural writer in English and need all the help I can get.

So I practice and use the tools available and suggest you do too.

Anything in life takes practice and just because you think you are a great writer none of the greats became the best writers without tons of practice and dedication.

For more insights, tips and quirky content filling your stream --- >


How did u cursive your headers? That looks sharp!

Thats a font I bought.. So text editor -> screenshot -> imgur

Quil sounds cool

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