
in #writing6 years ago

That's how I felt the day you left my life.
The life we both owned.
The life I couldn't live,without you.
The life I couldn't see anymore without you in it.
The life which I thought we'll both grow old in.
The life which I thought would be perfect.
Yes! Perfect. That's the word.
That's what i thought we'll be,
Perfect! That's how it all sounded to me.
The promises we made, the "perfect" life you said we'll have.

But not anymore.
"Perfect" means nothing to me now
The feelings I get each time I hear this word is what I can't really explain.
The memories that all come rushing down
The tears that fell.
The eyes that bled.
The lips that stuttered
The time that my pillow was my only friend, the only one that consoled me.
I refuse to remember,
The unkept "Promises" and the life we couldn't have.IMG_20180611_201056-1.jpg