Monsters and Animals
I was born out of men’s choice.
There are animals and monsters. No one would believe me had i told them, about the land of monsters, heinous ones. Unbeknownst to them, they would shred your very existence faster than you can imagine, perhaps the opposite, they would do it slowly, the story of a human being cannot be told in just days and so is true about its destruction.
The monsters i saw were like nothing i have seen before, they…they are the ones whom cried and begged for love, they are the ones whom are desperate to give love, however, unbeknownst to them, they cannot give what was not within. And so, the only thing that was giventh was, what could be taketh out of the abyss, what rejoiced with despair and drank every bit of tear thou let fall, and slept with every darkness thou unwillingly and unbeknownst, created.
Thou shalt destroy, wanting to create.
Thou shalt hate, wanting to love.
And thou shalt receive, what was not pleaded, and shalt remain there, till thy end. For such is thy fate, to be and remain monsters, derived and amongst the animals such as the ones that gaze upon thee, and one that wrote about thee.
Thy existence was requested, but what is within shalt not set upon thee thy creator as it’s target, thy creator is no more. Scream endlessly, giveth it more power, keep begging the animals for love, continue the circle, submit to thy fate, for in the end within the creator’s embrace, thou shalt rest. And once a monster, an animal thou shalt once again becometh, and then thou shalt wakenth.
Will i remain an animal? Oh creator, is what within me, within us, waking from thy slumber? Oh creator unbeknownst to all, is such the fate bestowed for thy creation? Thy animals? will the eyes of thy animals ever glance at ye as the animals we art? will eyes ever glance at ye? Art ye solely a reason?
Shalt art scream to ye? an animal still i remain, to give is what thy animals shalt be fated to do. Is love and creation everything we shalt giveth? Everything we shalt have? Oh reason, why such shalt be the fate of thy animals? Only to give but not to receive, for such is the fate of the monsters, why shalt animals not receive love and creation? Why shalt i cannot be allowed to giveth? Was a coin the only answer for thy creation to exist?
Shalt becometh a monster and becometh no longer able to giveth and being now able to receive, or, shalt giveth to thy monster and destroyed be my fate and from the slumber awaketh, and in the end i becometh a monster. Are these the only fate bestowed upon thy animals by ye?
Who art ye, Creator?
Who art ye, Reason?
if certain is thy existence, oh creator, let this still animal plead for ye to relinquish thy creation. Let what have i written be the last of what remains of monsters and animals.
I was born out of men’s choice.
Photo by Placidplace on Pixabay
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, is this your website? Or you just copy/paste it? Please let me know.
Hello, sorry for the late reply. That is my medium account, I wanted to create my steemit account with the same name, but the characters limit was reached so i had to short it. however it is me.