Gripping On Halloween Night ( Shortstory)

in #writing6 years ago

On Halloween night, the children and teenagers celebrated the evening with great fanfare. They were dressed like a witch, a demon, a goblin ghost and another frightening figure. This Halloween night celebration tradition is celebrated on every 31st of October. In addition to wearing spooky clothes, they also asked for candy or chocolate to neighboring houses while saying "trick or treat!".

And on Halloween night, an 11-year-old boy was decorating his house with colorful chandeliers and putting a number of Jack o'-laterns (which we often call Halloween pumpkins) on his doorstep. The boy put a candle in the pumpkins he displayed, to look brighter and more frightening as the night began to darken.

"Hi Elena!" Greeted a group of children walking around.

friends! "said Elena back.

Elena then went to her friends and went with them to ask candy and chocolate to their neighbor's house.

"Elena, what are you doing while you're at home?" Asked a friend.

"I just decorate my house with Halloween trinkets," Elena replied.
"Oh .... well," said the friend.

As the night wore on, they wanted to go home. However, Dominic invites his friends to search for apples and asks candy to the homes of people living in the forests of Ebeline. Hearing his friend's proposal, Elena refused his friend's invitation. Because of the Ebeline forest is a very creepy forest.

"Friends, I do not want to come with you," Elena said to her friends.

"Why do not you want to go with Elena?" Dominic asked.

"I was afraid to go to that forest, my mother would be looking for me. And you must know for yourself, the forest is very scary, "Elena said scared.

"You are how Elena, we are big, we should not have to be afraid of such horrible things! But it's up to you, if you do not want to come too no problem, the three of us who will go to the forest, "said Dominic disappointed.

Elena's three friends soon went to the forests of Ebeline. While Elena returned home to her. But, before Elena returns home, she has a bad feeling about the departure of her friends. He felt something was wrong in the forest. He finally decided to go after his friends with a restless heart.

Arriving in the forests of Ebeline, Elena called the names of her friends.
"Dominic, Andreas, Vanessa! Where are you guys ?! "called Elena.

"It's useless," said someone suddenly unseen by Elena.

"Whose voice is that?" Elena asked.

"Yes, it's useless to find your friends. Because surely they have become a witch's meal, "said a golden-colored cat who approached Elena suddenly.

"Hahh? Who are you? "Elena asked in surprise.

"Introduce me, Catline, the brave cat," the cat replied.

"Oh, yes? How do you know if my friends have become witches now? "Elena asked again.

"Of course I know. I have lived in this forest for a long time. So I know a lot about the state of the Ebeline forest, "the cat replied.

"Oh, I see. Then you would not have brought me to find my friends? "

"Emmm ... .mau, but I can not guarantee that your friends can still survive."

"All right .... we're looking for them now!" Elena said excitedly.

Finally, Elena and Catline go together to find her friends. While on the way, Catline smelled the cake in the midst of a grove of trees in the woods.

"I think I smelled a delicious cake, Elena." Catline said.

"Oh, yes? Better to find the origin of the odor alone, who knows that there are residents around here around here, "said Elena.

They immediately searched the origin of the cake, until they found a small house in the middle of the forest. The aroma they were looking for came from the house. "Excuse me!" Elena said as she knocked on the door of the house.

"Yes, a minute?" Said someone from inside while opening the door of his house. And a little brown-haired girl came out of the house.

"Who are you? What do you need? "Asked the girl.

"I'm Elena and this is my Catline friend." Elena replied.

"Oh .... what do you need here?" Asked the girl again.

"While we were on the way, we smelled the cake that seemed very tasty. And we are looking for the origin of the fragrance, until we find your house in the middle of this forest. "Said Elena.

"Oh, I see. Yes, please come in. "Said the little girl.

Inside the girl's house, Elena and Catline were given a very delicious chocolate cake. And the girl introduced her name, the girl named Melissa. He lives in this house alone. His daily work is to find firewood in this forest and will later be sold to markets in the suburbs.

"Oh yes, are you there to see my friends passing around here?" Elena asked curiously.

"What did they look like?" Melissa asked again.

"They are 3 people, Dominic, Andreas, and Vanessa. If Dominic had dark hair, wear bat clothes. Andreas is blonde, wears a dracula, and Vanessa has brown hair, wears fairies clothes, "Elena said.

"Oh, yes! I've seen them around here. They went east, apparently they will ask candy to the witch's wicked house. "Melissa replied with a serious expression.

"Hahh ?! Correct? Witch's house where? "Elena asked in panic.

"The wizard's house is not too far from here, but you have to be careful when you see the Witch, because she can transform into anything and anyone." Melissa said.

"Okay, we'll go there." Elena said.

Shortly waiting, Elena and Catline soon leave Melissa's house, and hurry away, to hurry up to the Wizard's house. On the way, Elena and Catline are shocked by a sudden white fog, and they can not see clearly in the woods. Then, suddenly a woman emerged from behind the white mist. Elena and Catline were shocked.

"Hey you guys! What are you doing in this dark forest? Are you not afraid if any wicked Magician sees you and finally he catches you and brought him home to make his delicious meal? "Said the woman.

"Who are you?" Asked Elena with a curious face.

"I'm Viona. It looks like you're looking for something. What are you looking for? "Asked the woman.

"Yes, we are looking for our friend. Have you ever seen them? They are 3 people. "Ask Elena.
"Oh, I think I know the person you're looking for. Looks like they're heading to the Witch's wicked house. If you do not mind, I'll take you to the Witch's house. "Viona replied.

"Yes. Looks like it's a good idea! "Elena said with a happy smile.

"But are not you afraid to take us to the Witch's wicked house? He's a wicked Witch. "Elena asked.

"It is okay. I'm used to things like that. "Viona replied.

Soon they went to the Witch's house. Before long, they reached the Wizard's house.

"Come on, I'll go into his house." Encourage Viona.

"Wow ... brave enough to get into the wicked Witch's house," Elena told herself.

They knocked on the Witch's door, but no one seemed to be in the house. The house looked horrible and lonely. Elena, Catline, and Viona soon entered the Wizard's house. Without Elena realizing, Viona quietly closed the door of the house and she turned suddenly into a Wizard.

He said, "Hahahaha ...... .they have been deceived!" Said the Witch.

It turned out that Viona was a Sorceress disguised as a good person.

The wicked magician immediately binds Elena and Catline and holds them both in a dark room. The magician will prepare spices to cook Elena and Catline. Apparently, Dominic, Andreas, and Vanessa are also locked up by Wizards in the same room. So they meet, but they are now in a tie and can not do anything.

While they were wondering how to run from the Witch's house, Catline suddenly had a great idea. Catline immediately severed the ropes that tied them up with sharp Catline nails. Before long, they all got out of the Witch's ties.

They immediately set up a plan to paralyze the Witch and get away with it. Dominic and Andreas would hide under the Wizard's kitchen table, while Elena, Vanessa and Catline would put a potion in the Witch's drink to make the Witch feel dizzy and lose all her strength.

As the Wizard is out into the woods to search for firewood, Elena, Vanessa and Catline put the potion into the Witch's drink.
About 20 minutes, the wicked Witch returned to her home, feeling exhausted, she immediately drank the drink. He did not know that his drink had been given a potion that could harm him.

After he drank his drink, the Witch was very dizzy, and he also looked weak. Seeing the incident, Dominic and Andreas who were under the table immediately put the rope on the floor, and immediately pulled it when the Witch was dizzy.

"Gubraaakkkk !!!!!!!!" The Witch fell instantly in pain.

"Yeeeyyy !!!!!!!!! We made it! "Dominic shouted, Elena, Andreas, Vanessa and Catline happily.

"Look out for you guys! I will repay your deeds to me! Look at it later! "Said the Wicked Wizard.

"Oh, yes? Please feel free if you want to reply us. But it seems impossible, because all your powers are gone. "Answer Elena.

"What? It is impossible! I still have a lot of strength. "Said the Witch.

"If you do not believe me, I will prove it to you. Look at this, a deadly stance !!!! "Said the wicked Witch as she uttered the spell.

But, they all fell silent.

"Hah?! Where are all my powers? My power is gone! "Said the Witch with a disappointed face.

"We told you, your strength is gone." Vanessa said with a smile.
With a face of contempt, the Witch tries to run away from the children. But, yet had time to escape, the wicked Witch turned into a Halloween pumpkin.

The boys were all very happy, so did Catline. Now they can all go back to their homes.

And finally Dominic, Andreas and Vanessa feel remorse for not wanting to follow Elena's advice.

"Elena, we're sorry. Because we will not listen to your advice, "said the three of them with guilt.

" Yes, it is okay. Let's just say it's all a valuable lesson for all of you. "Elena replied with a smile.

They all did not want to go to the Ebeline forest anymore, because they all knew that the Ebeline forest was very dangerous.