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RE: New month, new home, new topics: Writing Class Update! 6/1/18 Win SBI!

in #writing7 years ago

And we have a winner! I've sponsored you for 1 share of SBI .

confirmation faraday sbi.png

Faraday's induction ring was the first electric transformer. Today, modern versions are used in delivering the proper voltage to homes, engines and devices. The actual ring is on display in the Faraday Museum in the Royal Institution in London.

That's a great idea and one that many people struggle with when blogging. I covered how to think of things to write in a previous class but I'm open to doing it again. Take a look at that post and let me know if you have any questions or other related ideas you'd like to see in a future class.


Thank you so much for the sponsor! This is the first time that I am participating and I am glad to be the winner.

You're welcome!