What happened to money? It used to be easy to get!! And times have really changed

in #writing8 years ago

I remember just less the 10 years ago money was out there and available.. It seems like these days everyone is holding on for dear life.. Money isnt so easy to get anymore. And whats the deal with cops these days my wife gets pulled over forgtillets about a speeding ticket she had and her liscensen is suspended. Cop wants 500 dollars to pay the suspension ticket or she goes to jail. And on top of that has two kids in the car and threatens to send to dhs if not payed or someone cant come get the kids. I remember in 2009 I was drunker the the town whino driving burning rubber coming out of a stop light i get pulled over cop asks how much ive had to drink I said as many emptys you can count in the car sir. Then go to explain i live only two miles away dont lock me up and impound the truck. The man escorts me to the house with his sirens on and as i get out tells me he better not see me out anymore that night. I used to ride on tailgates now you cant even ride in the back of a truck WTH happened to this place were living in??