If You Could Pick Any Writer In the World, Who Would You Pick to Join Steem.it?

in #writing8 years ago

One of the things I like about Steemit is that it is a platform where the little guy can get compensated for his or her contribution, no matter how small it is.

But at least for now, it seems like Steemit could benefit from the jet-charge it might get from having a couple more well-known writers and content-creators contributing to the platform. Steemit has generated a lot of value through discovering and coronating some of its own celebrities ( @heiditravels ), but there's also been a lot of value stemming from authors like @wmougayar and @neilstrauss who were pretty well known before coming to Steemit.

So, in your perfect world, who would you like to see blogging on Steemit?

Perhaps more importantly, how do we go about convincing them to come to Steemit? Their existing distribution platforms (blogs, email lists, ads) are already very valuable, and the payout they stand to gain from switching over to Steemit seems small in comparison. Are there ways to help them bring some of their supporters along? Perhaps we give the celebrities access to a reward pool that they can distribute to a "VIP List" of readers who follow them onto Steemit?

Maybe there are more celebrity writers on Steemit than I am aware of. Do you have any favorite top-notch writers who you'd recommend I take a look at? The test for me here is whether they have written content for a sustained amount of time that has generated significant audience bases (or the writing is so good that it's pretty plausible that a ton of people would follow them if they blogged elsewhere).

And lastly, maybe I'm thinking about this all wrong. Maybe we don't want celebrities on Steemit.

Thoughts in the comments!

*Image Source: Google Images (Labeled for Reuse)


Can you think of any quality authors that want their writing to compete with nsfw tags and pissagate tags to make a few dollars?

If they came they would be here as people not as authors.

Yeah, I agree that there are definitely some elements that would be a turn off. I liked your post on the matter.

And good point, "people" might be the more appropriate title here.