YARN TIME! Let's Play A Game!

I can't sleep.
Let's write a story together.
Rules of the Game:
- Each comment must be a one sentence in length maximum.
- You cannot add 2 comments in a row, but you may add to someone else's comment.
- To keep the flow easy to follow, create each entry as a separate comment, rather than a reply to someone else's.
Example: It was raining the day the two went climbing down the ravine in search of their lost puppy.
Comment 1: Their feet slipped on the uneven ground almost causing one to take the other down to the bottom.
so on and so forth.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
OK. Here we go!
She laid there, tossing and turning, waiting for sleep that wouldn't come.
She heard a strange noise outside and bolted upright in her bed.
As she slid the nightstand drawer open to grab the Maglite she kept tucked away in there, she heard it again.
Suddenly, the strange remember that permatek didn't took the time to read the Shroomcation yet, passed in her mind... Rapidly, she chased this thinking, and returned listening to the night...