The Mystery of Matches


Just as our dreams influence an aspect of ourselves, our whole life is composed of the will that is within us. There are situations in which we meet people by chance, and they become decisive agents in our lives. In the same way we have inadvertently served as an agent, giving meaning to individual lives.

Everything has a mutual relationship with everything else, so we can not blame anyone for anything, there are coincidences, it's something like magic, this happens through our mind. It's like when we talk about our dreams and how to get them to come true. The whole is in focusing on carrying it out. I maintain the theory of the laws of attraction, we attract the good and the bad, many times without predicting it.

The mystery of coincidences, it can happen to us, at any moment we remember that we are, what is in our thoughts, only that the best way to admit it without being noticed is to say that it is a mere coincidence. There are two things that I have come to believe, implicitly about the world in which we live, one is that nothing that happens is independent of another, that is, everything happens for a reason, we attract everything that happens to us.
The other is that nothing that happens to us is completely fortuitous or the product of chance. We have all had perfect moments, in which we could not solve any situation incredibly, there are significant coincidences that transform us into special moments.

We can be focused on our daily affairs, without prior notice we are presented with a situation that attracts a lot of attention, they are usually large and striking or on the contrary small and imperceptible. All proof that we are not alone that there is a mysterious spiritual process of coincidences that influence our lives.