PEDOPHILIA, crude social reality.


Some cultures, such as in Iraq and Africa, have accepted pedophilia as part of the preservation of classes and of the same culture, of course under some very specific guidelines, managed under the line of custom.
Physiologically speaking, children do not have the functioning of their organs fully as an adult can, so it is said that pedophilia in children over 10 years to 17 years, is a crime in the same way but not so lamentable and severe as in children at an early age.

In the countries of South, North and Central America it is considered as a crime, with jail sentence, the term of child rape is handled.

On the other hand it is important to highlight the term of child prostitution that occurs with great growth, seen in documentaries, in fact there are large children trafficking, which are torn from their homes, either by kidnapping or simply stolen, to be sold as a commodity sex to its best bidders. Of course, these perverse and sick people are sponsored by the unscrupulous demand of sadists, pedophiles and the sick, who pay large amounts of money for this trafficking.

It should be noted that this social reality that invades us with great rapidity, must be combated with appropriate mechanisms from home, the root of some problems. In its vast majority is where the flagella of vulnerability of these children lie, parents should know what their children do, the ease they have in social networks, which are their friends, know their children well so they can notice changes in their personality, published photos, conversation topics.

Consumerism, technology, permissiveness and because not comfort leads us to neglect important aspects of a healthy childhood, full of love, examples and dedication.
