The Void Glares Back

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

(I was vaping outside of my place of work earlier).
Tell me more tell more did she put up a fight?
Yer killin me.
Yer shtrummin me ulsters with yer fingers.
Is it storytime now or what?
Well you do look tired. There's a building site there across from the work and they're diggin a hole.
Colour me intrigued. They're biggin a dig hole?
Sure look. There's plans to build aportments.
Do they have a crane an all?
They've a crane an all.
That does be an indicator that the economy does be doin well. Ye see cranes in the capital like.
Yev bin to Belfast of course.
I have. Lovely city. Not. A. Bit. Of. Trouble. So what's this story?
This elderly gentleman approaches the railings and shouts to the lad down below in the hole hello he sez.
And did the lad in the hole answer?
He did.
And how is it he came to answer?
Through the medium of body language; he raised his head and took a sup of coffee.
Und dann?
Genterly elderman sez that's a big hole.
Yev the edge of me seat worn out. Did our ace in the hole reply?
He did aye.
Paint a vivid picture of his reply, the way it'll stay with me and stick in the head.
He takes another slug of coffee and big enough he sed.