My Current Conundrum - Lack of Direction

in #writing7 years ago

At 23 years of age, i'm just about to graduate uni with a Psychology degree after 5 years, and truth be told, i have no idea what the fuck i want to do with my life, the last few months have consisted of me working my usual casino job which got me through uni and locking myself inside my room with the curtains closed naively waiting for some kind of magical epiphany to hit me, some wonderful discovery of passion and meaning that will launch me onto my rightful path.

Unfortunately magical experiences like this have been few and far between over the course of my life, my primary school librarian would probably say that it's because i don't pray to the lord like she had taught, maybe she was actually on to something...

I just wish i knew who the fuck i was, where i'm supposed to go, or how to find me.