Jake's Story

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Hi. l'm Jake. Some shitty kid who lives in Tyler, Texas who holds no real exciting qualities. Just an exciting story. A bit sad, but nothing too extreme. lf anything, l don't even know if it really is that sad. l mean, no one dies, there’s no sick kid with some dramatic plot twist, no one really cries too much and there are no defining fights but... there is a shit ton of lying. Something teenagers experience often, so, that really shouldn't be surprising.

My story took place over the summer. l'm pretty sure it was raining, or maybe it wasn't; l don't really have the best memory, to be honest. I do remember the color of Luka Macken pants though. Lime green. A considerably odd color, l know, l thought the same thing. But damn did he look good in them from where l was sitting. Oh, and l lied. There is.. one sick kid in this story. That would be me. Ahh, what a plot twist right? But it's nothing too serious. When l was 7, l was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy. lt basically means l have so much shit wrong with my heart, it's kind of just giving up. Just like how l should give up on the nursing tech Luka Macken. Guess l’m not really good at quitting though.

Anyway, our story actually picks up later, during a maybe raining afternoon when my young gay failing heart fluttered over a small touch. That’s right boys, my hands and face touched the divine body of our dear Luka. Score. Now, you might be thinking, “Ugh, Jake you’re so pathetic it’s just a hand touch-” But god, you just had to be there. Some lamb just walking down the hallway and BAM, suddenly l’m hitting into the sculptured body of Luka. Possibly the best moment of my probably short life, and it only took ten surgeries until l could touch a gorgeous man of this caliber. That was only the beginning of it too. The next few months were then filled with cute little movies nights in my room, a few pulled strings to get desserts better than Jello and even a few hugs. l was living in a dream. Of course, until blessed dear Luka brought his fiance Kira.

Welcome to lie number two. Crying. God, did l ball my eyes out when they had left. Gross sobs shaking my bed as l curled into myself and cried like a child. lt hurt. A lot. l only knew him for months but compared to the number of times l had looked out my window to see him when l was lonely, it felt like years. I wanted so desperately for the story to end with just us two. Watching dumb movies, eating sweets and getting hugs only for him to tell me one day, “Hey Jake! Your heart’s strong, lets go get married and shit!” But, what’s a fifteen-year-old really going to do with the idea of marrying a twenty-three-year-old grown man who’s there just to wipe snot from sick kids’ noses? Yeah. How’s that for a plot twist.

After my night of crying, l then woke with a worried Luka by my side and a mask over my face pumping air to my lungs. Apparently, l had gotten so upset l nearly had a heart attack. How ironic would that be, dying from a broken heart? lt didn’t help that it only took me about twenty minutes to start an argument with my prince charming. Welcome to another lie. See the repetition in my story? l told you there’d be a lot of lies. Our argument was very short though. One that mostly involved me screaming how stupid and clueless he was and how he hurt me more than he could ever know. Childish. l know. l could tell it was dumb as soon as l started; l desperately pleaded with myself to just sit down and shut my running mouth but instead, l kept going. l didn’t know where to begin or where to stop with how many emotions were running through my head until it was too late. l crossed the line.

You know when kids are growing up and they have that one little argument that causes them to say something really stupid and it gets them in a whole world of trouble with a mouthful of regret? Yeah. That’s what this was. Me, the child, saying that l wished l had never met him, the adult. That’s all it took before Luka l guess had finally had enough. He stood, silent, causing my own silence to immediately follow, hugged me tightly once, then left. He walked right out of the story. My story, that was supposed to be happy full of love and twists and turns that would draw in the audience to love and adore us just how much l loved and adored Luka. But, l knew it was a different kind of love. lt was the kind of love that sets an image for a person from who they actually are. The kind of love that doesn’t get returned because it’s filled with too much imaginary bullshit. The kind of love a kid has for the first person that treats him like he’s not just some sick kid in the hospital. But, that’s what l was. Just some scrawny kid who lived in a small room dying, creating stories in his head to pass the time. Stories like “no one is sick” and “no one cries or fights,” and of course my favorite, “no one dies.” But, like l said. This story does have a lot of lying, something l didn’t lie about ironically. So here it is. The last lie, which I’m sure if you’ve read the rest of the story and caught on to its habits, you knew this was coming.

End the of summer passed as fast as it came. l hadn’t seen Luka for what felt like way past the usual time a person could hold a grudge but, l guess l was a bit of a dick. More than a dick, really. What l had said to him was completely uncalled for and by the time of my fourteenth surgery, l couldn’t help but feel anything other than regret. Most kids probably would have been scared of this type of situation. l mean, l was less than half an hour away from getting my chest cut open for what was supposed to be the final time. But instead, my tongue felt sour and my hands were cold at the thought that when l would wake, l wasn’t going to have Luka waiting by my bed with some dessert he’d snuck in. l wasn’t going to get a pat on the head and some encouragement that it was going to be clear skies from here on out. ln fact, l wasn’t going to have that chance more than l knew, because l wasn’t going to wake up at all after my last surgery. lnstead, l would go into cardiac arrest before a scalpel touched my skin. lnstead, l’d die with one last story going through my head. An exciting story. A bit sad, but nothing too extreme. lf anything, l don't even know if it really is that sad. No one dies, there’s no sick kid with some dramatic plot twist, no one really cries too much and there are no defining fights but... there is a shit ton of lying.



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