The information Seller - Improvised Fictional Story

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

January 4 2018

This is Roger Stanton and this is audio blog.... 25.

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I'm feeling good this morning, this is the first ever I've been able to sleep on a train. I don't know why but, no matter how tired I get every single time I'm in one of these trips I will toss and turn, watch a dozen movies but sleep... Never!

That's funny I've never seen staff attendants change their outfits in the middle of a shift, I kind of like it though... This must be one of those new things they are trying, all the lawsuits these days, the cultural disdain for the train operating companies must make them want to shake things up... I appreciate it, I do, I'm one of those few people who don't want trains to go anywhere.

"Excuse me, Excuse me mam... could I have some water please"

"Yes of course Sir, How are you feeling by the way?"

"I'm feeling great, thank you for asking.. did I look sick or something?"

"No, that's not it, its just different for everyone"

"Oh well, I feel great, very rested actually and very hungry"

"That's excellent, well sir you are welcome to exit whenever you'd like"

"Thank you very much.... then I'll be on my way"

Well, I have to say so far I'm impressed, this train station is looking pretty spiffy. It's hard to tell its a train station to begin with, specially with how well dressed everyone looks. Somehow I'm feeling quite inadequate.

January 4 2018

This is Roger Stanton and this is audio blog.... 26

It's close to 2pm right now, I'm starving but I don't recognize a thing from the catalogues. I'm very upset with my phone company too, I must have told them more than five times last week about this trip and that I needed roaming activated. Anyways, I'm here with a mission and that is all that matters.

"Excuse me Sir, if you don't mind... I need to get to the Polygon Corporation Building, would you tell me if this is the right way?"

"Yes, of course.. you are not that far, but if you wish to get there fast, just use the moving sidewalks Sir, this section here is more for leisure you know"

"Oh thanks, I had no idea you guys had those, we don't have moving sidewalks back at home... that looks like the entrance, thanks again".

I'm not going to stop the recordings when I interact with the locals, I want to listen to their accents with detail when I'm back on the computer. They remind me of something, I just can't put my finger on it, but somehow everyone speaks English here, that is such a plus for me.


January 4 2018

This is Roger Stanton and this is audio blog.... 27

I've arrived at the Polygon building, its quite impressive I have to say.

"Good Afternoon Sir, I'm here to see Mr. Gunther, he should be expecting me"

"Your name Sir..."

"Roger... Roger Stanton, I'm the reporter from The Times"

"Does Mr. Gunther have an interview with you today Sir?"

"Something like that... Yes, I have some business to discuss with him, some information he needs... Don't worry, just give him my name, he knows who I am"

"Very well Sir, please take a seat"


January 4 2018

This is Roger Stanton and this is audio blog.... 29

I don't know what is taking so long. I need to get back home on time, my train is supposed to leave a midnight and this is pretty dumb I have to say...

"Hi... sorry... Hi... my name is Nataly, I could not help but to notice you've been recording on a device your voice... are you a reporter or something?"

"Well... yes, I mean.... I used to, now I do private research for people... Do I look like a reporter?"

"You remind me of someone you know, I just can't put my finger on it..."

"I hope that's a good thing... hehehe"

"Are you here for a job?"

"I'm self employed... I'm here to talk to Mr. Gunther about business"

"Oh yes... business... I'm here to talk to the young stud too, it's also business"

"I've never heard anyone refer to him as a stud, but... OK, i guess.. "

"Why are you recording your voice like that?

"Oh... its a habit of mine, I backup everything... it's part of my business strategy really"

"I see... I see... well, I wish you luck with that..."



January 5 2018

This is Roger Stanton and this is audio blog.... 33

I can't believe I had to book a hotel... Mr Gunther does not know who he is messing with here... All I have to do is make one phone call and all the audio files get delivered from the cloud. I need to call home and make sure everyone is alright, I told Mary I would call when I closed the deal, but they just left me sitting in that lobby like a nobody.

I do have to say the girl who spoke to me Nataly seemed a little off, calling an 80 year old man young stud is either a terrible joke or she is just an outright gold digger and feels pride in being one. Not that my line of business is too glamorous either... but that's besides the point.


January 5 2018

This is Roger Stanton and this is audio blog.... 39

It's 3 am, I'm done freaking out.... I can't get thru to anyone, no one is picking up the damn phone. I wonder if they got them... no it can't be, nobody but myself knew the content of the files or exactly where to get them, I made sure of it.

I'm also a little confused about how I booked this hotel, since when is a lobby a kiosk booth and how do they guarantee I will pay before I leave. This place looks alien to me at times.


January 5 2018

This is Roger Stanton and this is audio blog.... 43

I just left the hotel, no one asked me for a credit card and I saw nobody there to complain. What a flawed system, the hotel owner must be losing millions of dollars due to their incompetence. I don't feel guilty in the slightest.

I need to get back to the Polygon Building, I won't leave like this, a deal is a deal and if Mr. Gunther wants to play hardball I have no problem calling my ex job and sending them the audio tapes... its not an issue to me.


January 5 2018

This is Roger Stanton and this is audio blog.... 46

I was under the impression that it would be cold today, come to think of it, its been very warm for it being winter and all. I'm no weather expert, but I think this proves the whole climate change thing once more... Anyways, I'm back at the Polygon building, the guard just told me that Mr. Gunther will be back in his office at 2pm and that I can see him then.


January 5 2018

This is Roger Stanton and this is audio blog.... 52

I'm leaving this recording on... Mr. Gunther will see me now, you can never be too careful around these people...

"Hello there... Mr... Stanton is it?

"I've been told by my staff you where here yesterday as well... I'm sorry but I had some business to attend to and your presence skipped my mind completely... how can I help you?"

"I'm sorry... but who are you?"

"I'm Mr. Gunther of course... we've never met, but I'm told you work for a paper, is that right?"

"Yes... we did meet once and you are not... Mr Gunther, I'm sorry but... is this a joke?"

"Hahahahahaha you are a funny man Mr. Stanton, you remind me of my father... he was a funny man too..."

"Your father??? Are you Gunther Junior???"

"Yes of course... Who else could I be? Dead men can't talk Mr Stanton..."

"OMG I'm so sorry, I had no idea he had passed on... when did this happen??"

"It's been many years now Mr. Stanton, I miss him dearly... 10 years is a long time, long time"

"10 YEARS????? But I spoke to him last week!!!"

"Well... that's impossible Mr. Stanton, he died in May of 2018... a peaceful death thankfully... but If you are trying to joke about my father's death, this conversation won't end well..."

"No... No.... I can assure you... I'm not trying to... wait.. WHAT?? May 2018"

"Are you OK Mr. Stanton?... you've turned pale... you don't look good.... Mr. Stanton.... Mr Stanton..... "

"Sir.... should I call the police?...."

"Yes... call 911... something is not right about this man.."


Other posts by yours truly

• The ladies that live in our yard
• The value of Risk - Philosophical Thoughts on Investments?
• For new Steem users - tip 2
• My mother in her special paradise....
• For the new Steem users - Tip 1


What a delightful little fantasy / sf / mystery short, brother :-) Thanks for entertaining us once more!

Did you forward this to @carrieallen yet? ;-)

Oh no... just wrote it this morning... maybe I will, it would be cool if it got produced.

Truly a fantastic and unique fantasy story
Have a lot of benefits
Good writing and publishing, my friend
I wish you all the best

It is really informative, you are really good at this, giving us more update on different topic and story that grace your choice. I find this piece valuable and educative brother. Keep the good work flowing man

Awsome and unique story with full of will be helpfull for everybody.

great job.... nice post...

Nice story