in #writing7 years ago


Chapter 0

Fify, the well renowned scientist, was sitting in front of her research table but she was totally emersed in thoughts. Kithy, her manager, entered the laboratory room in the laboratory room.

“Mam, are you ok?", kithy checked a gadget on the table. “ I am just feeling anxious. You locked the laboratory in 15 minutes... See you again". “Ok Mam". Fify stood up and took off the white coat. She placed it on her chair. She walked outside the laboratory. There was no body on the road. The waves of yellow road lights scattered. She walked down to the stairs of laboratory and started walking along the road on the footpath. After walking through some distance, she saw a truck of yellow head lights coming towards her from a lot of distance. A man was crossing the road. When he was in the middle, the lights of the truck and road lights are matched and flashed her eyes.

“Hey Mister!”, she felt danger and cried.

The man had crossed the road. When he heard her voice, he turned head. He was walking towards her. She was standing at the same place. She was shocked. She was vibrating her first finger.

The man reached and said, “Are you Fify?". “No…I’m…”

A horn rang. He turned her head back. There was a car near the pool of road light and the smoke were emerging from the car. An old man, wearing a black Kameez, was standing in the middle of the road. The man ran towards car and she turned. She walked towards opposite side in hurry. She took turn as she appeared from the eyes of man. Now, she covered her face and nose with scarf which was rolled on her neck. She stopped at the gate of book shop. She read a note on neon sign board. The note expressed:

"The Best Quotes of Phorj
'If you wanna sell something, then first you
should buy honesty from you
By Ehert Kirt

After reading, she had been watching the board for five minutes. She was smiling. She entered the shop and saw a book which name was “The Story of Me and Her”. He saw the writer’s name which was Fant Phorj. She became happy and looked so excited. “O..Yes”, she whispered.

She picked the book and walked towards the counter. The man demanded 7 dollars. Fify gave the required dollars and hold the book on her hand. She went outside the shop. Now, she was walking with a smile on her face. She reached at the train station. There were so many people walking here and there. Fify sat on a bench waiting for the train. After 15 minutes, the train arrived. She sat in the train and alighted at The Kogtcher Garden.

She had gone from the station. She was standing in front of the gate of the Kogtcher Garden. She was reading the note which was on the right of the gate. The note showed:

The Kogtcher Garden
“I have a pack of seeds in my
pocket but I have to sell this.
Because I'm not sincere

She was so excited. She entered the garden. There were many types of flowers. Their smell scattered here and there. She opened her hands and lolloped in the garden. She crooned a song. The song was:

I can feel in the breeze hey Phorj
You and I gonna be disappear
In the beautiful smell no one can hear
But the moment I can’t freeze hey Phorj

After 15 minutes, she sat on a bench in the garden and opened the first page of the book which was the title page. She started with the first chapter.