Ryan Adams blows himself up: A dream I had last night.

Last night I dreamt that singer-songwriter Ryan Adams blew himself up. I met Adams at a press conference in the dream and he seemed quite likeable from a distance although I was aware I didn’t want him anywhere near me — a creepy undercurrent coursed about him, dense and repellant.
Adams spoke for a while, painting amusing little vignettes of his life, while the crowd around him sat silent, nobody daring to address the accusations against him. Adams won over the unchallenging crowd (seemingly hand-picked for that very reason) and played a few songs (mediocre), before leaving the stage to general approval.
Then I found Adams in a car outside, waiting to be driven away. Suddenly, an eager young male reporter from an alt-right news conglomerate appeared and pushed his way through the crowd followed by a smaller, female reporter, both clearly on a very different mission than the clustered sycophants that otherwise surrounded Adams. The reporter pushed his way into the car, demanding answers for Adams' accusers, while Adams cowered in the corner.
Eventually Adams roly-polied out of the door of the car and began to flee the scene.
A nearby Catholic priest began a speech extolling Adams' contributions to the music scene and society. This, naturally, only served to rot Adams' credibility further.
The alt-right journalist playfully, but somewhat unsettlingly, manhandled his female colleague into the passenger seat of Adams' car and said, "Wait here in case he comes back".
Adams was, by this point, nowhere to be seen.
Questioning the journalist
I asked the reporter if he thought that some aspects of his approach to cornering and questioning Adams were problematic in the same way that Adams' behaviour was. The reporter had cornered Adams and physically intimidated him, then manhandled a female colleague. The reporter said that nobody else was asking the questions he was asking and that some force was required to get through the sycophant zone.
The reporter then proceeded to draw a diagram for me explaining something I could not fully grasp about a triumvirate of alt-right news groups who, for their faults, filled a vital role in addressing liberal society's insouciance to the transgressions of its nominal heroes.
The Train
Then I found myself in a large train carriage and a small kid was joking that an avocado he was holding was a hand-grenade. Then a huge explosion rocked the world outside and someone said, "Ryan Adams has blown himself up."
Ryan Adams has blown himself up
I walked into the world outside and everything was burned and charred. The whole of New York City was dead and smoke blackened. With two friends, I located an old train carriage and sought to flee the broken landscape. We made our way out of the city down the railway tracks on an old freight train engine. Soon, however, another much larger train plowed into the back of our tiny vessel. My two friends were forbidden from boarding by a quartet of strong, empowered women, but I was allowed on board because I wore their symbol, a downward facing triangle, strung around my neck.
I swore allegiance to the female train crew and was permitted to ride with them while their locomotive crushed anything in its path that looked like patriarchy.
I woke up in half-elation half-terror.
Dream interpretation
Our global media landscape has shifted to the point where those in the music industry who commit acts of sexual violence are being held to account. Consider the fate of R Kelly; Michael Jackson; Ryan Adams etc etc.
I believe that my dream communicated to me that it is best to be on the side of truth and compassion or the locomotive of the divine feminine will crush us to pieces. Luckily, I appeared to be on the right side, and will now, in my waking life, continue to do everything I can to stay on the tracks of truth and love.
Wow. That is an intense dream.
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Yeah! When I woke up I was amazed by how much detail and meaning was in it. Very intense :)