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RE: Learn to walk away when love is not being served.

in #writing7 years ago

There was once this guy who came forward and I wanted to know him better. Just in few days time he was acting like he already owned me just because I tried to be nice to him. That is what I do with everyone else but this guy thought being nice means submission. Why, no! But I also do not have to be a bitch just to send my message across. Anyway, he came to the point of questioning me as to why I did not reply to his message immediately. Why, not two hours has passed and as if I have to keep watching and answering his messages when I am busy at work? I once temporarily deactivated my Facebook account for a different reason and he accussed me of blocking him off. How could these too petty and too shallow matters be a cause of debate? I dumped him. I do not need anyone to choke me to death.

Good article you have there. I agree there are times we have to walk away. As they say, walking away does not mean you are weak. It means you are strong enough to stand up on your own and keep your self-respect.

I came across your article through @nonsowrites who featured it in his post as an entry to the Pay it Forward Curation Contest. This contest is open to everyone so you are also welcome to join.