My mother, my caring mom, your words are @franklinolas // Lovejuice Minnow Promotion
My mother, my caring mom, your words are true...

My mother once said that once you are a mother, your worries for your children will never end. I was too little to understand this but still thought that it must not be true, as there is no need to worry when one grows up.
But her words remained with me. Days and years passed by and one by one all of her children got married including me. In all those years, I saw her worrying about our studies, our jobs, and our health.
She would worry when her daughters would get pimples; she was worried when her son was out with his friends. She would worry whether her daughters’ future in-laws would be good to them. She would worry about her daughters’ pregnancies, would her children survive alone in a foreign city and God knows what more. She would keep obsessing about so many things around her children that I felt she really shouldn’t, and it sometimes annoyed me enough that I would not talk to her.
Few more months passed and I was standing where my mother has been for more than three decades. As I held my baby girl in my arms, the words of my mother instantly flashed in my mind.
I still thought that it must not be true. I just have to worry until she starts speaking and walking.
For the next one year, I remember I could not sleep at nights, worrying if she needs a blanket or milk or water or if she is cold or if she is feeling too hot. And I would even sometimes check if she is still alive.
When she started walking and talking, my next sets of worries were; she must not get hurt while she is trying to learn to walk. I got all of my living room furniture changed and everything in the living room now had a thick cover of foam over it. Then I worried what if nobody understood what she is saying because she was still unclear with her words.
I was even more worried because my husband did not seem to worry at all.
As the days were passing, my worries grew as fast as my baby girl did. I worried about her being the victim of child abuse while on the way to school. When I shared it with my sister, she said that according to facts, among the children who get abused, 60% are boys and therefore she had more reasons to worry than me.
I don’t know if that fact was true but I was worried. I was worried when she was sick and I was worried when she was not and was going out to play.
I was worried when she refused to eat or when I thought she ate too much and that would trouble her little stomach. I worried about her school and when she fought with her friends. I was worried when she wanted to take swimming lessons and I was worried when her knees got hurt when she fell while playing.
One day, I was sitting in my balcony with my girl, running my fingers through her hair, and thinking about her future. I went far along and imagined a day when she would get married and would have children of her own.
How would she be able to manage them with her job? Would she have supportive in-laws?
Would she be very far from me and maybe we won’t be able to see each other often?
Would she still share everything with me or would she hide her sadness from me thinking that I would worry more?
She would get busy with her life and would worry about her children and I would be left alone and would still be worrying about her like my mother.
I suddenly remembered my mother’s words and started crying. I called a cab immediately and went to her place along with my daughter.
My mother was worried seeing me at her doorsteps crying.
I hugged her and said sorry, I said I knew now why she worried so much and told her to please not worry now.
We were all grown up and we would take care of her and ourselves.
We would call her more often and would listen to her.
Please don’t worry about us mamma, please don’t. That’s all I could say, over and over again.
Wiping her tears she smiled and then said, “When you are a mother, that is not possible dear”.
And we hugged and cried again.
Thats being a mom, having unconditional love and willing to sacrifice even without anything in return.