Writing Challenge: Write SOMETHING every day... Anything [Day 2]

Sometimes I wonder about this dark spot
in the middle of my chest
and ask myself: what if this stain in my history
is a wound from a past life?
maybe I did something rotten
maybe then I also struggled with who I am
maybe that is why misery comes with the name
it comes with the blood...
could it be karma?
Also check:
Notable Women in History: Chapter 1
The Importance of having Female Role Models
#Philosophizing Part I: About Philosophy and its link to knowledge
#Philosophizing Part II: About knowledge and how we come to know
#Philosophizing Part III: About Socrates and self-knowledge
#Philosophizing Par IV: About Dogmatism and the possibility of knowledge
Extract of an essay: Rhizome
Primer Delirio | First Delirium
Segundo Delirio | Second Delirium
Tercer Delirio | Third Delirium
Cuarto Delirio | Fourth Delirium
Quinto Delirio | Fifth Delirium
Sexto Delirio | Sixth Delirium
Séptimo Delirio | Seventh Delirium
Another bilingual poem: Misery
Untold story of an aching soul deserted to the void
Untitled poem
Poema blackout
Extract of an essay: Rhizome
Broadway Enthusiast Catalog: Waitress The Musical