Kicking 2017's Ass + Bullet Journals [Advice for Writers]

in #writing8 years ago

2016 was a pretty cool year. But each New Year brings a new chance to improve. Here’s how I’m looking at 2017…

I’ve never been much of a planner, or one to look ahead. Each New Year I’ll make some mental decisions that mostly seem to stick, but ultimately I don’t set big goals. That’s just something I don’t do.

Until now.

I’m upping my game. I’m Dan 2.0. I have goals. Seriously, I’ve written them down. I am looking at 2017 as I would look at a mountain that I would climb, and beyond that mountain, are the bigger mountains that I’ll get to eventually.

So what has changed?

This year I decided to pick a series of achievable goals. Goals that will challenge me, sure, but what’s life without a little struggle?

These goals are divided into larger goals, and smaller goals. They’re set out something like this; taking the big goals and working down:






  • Published 3 novels in ‘The Rot’ series
  • Published the first novel in the ‘Lazarus’ series
  • Written and kickstarted a successful campaign to produce a serial podcast story.
  • Published the first 3 novellas in my ‘Tundra’ series

Each of my 2017 goals have been created based on my current progress with these works, as well as looking at whether or not they will help me get to my 5-year goal. By writing these down, I have been able to set a loose production schedule into place to enable me to make these happen.

Because, at the end of the day, I’m an author. A part-time author at that, but an author nonetheless.

In 2016 I spent too much time with background stuff.* Website fiddling, social media, family – eurgh! (I kid)*. None of that stuff is helping me towards my goal. So this year there’ll be a lot more focus on my own production, and bringing the best stories that I can to the bookshelves of my readers.


I wonder if many people have heard of the bullet journal. I know that I hadn’t, and I’d been seeking a way to keep track of all my writing habits, as well as keep an eye on a calendar, as well as carry a notepad everywhere, and dammit, no apps help with this.

Until I stumbled across the Bullet Journal.

Now, I’m not going to go into details on how it works. Just look it up on YouTube, or the Bullet Journal website. But my advice for anyone looking to keep track on their lives, invest in something like this. Because since I’ve got mine, I’ve been hitting targets, smashing deadlines, and never letting a ball drop.

As part of story studio, Hawk & Cleaver, I’m involved in a lot of shit. Not only am I writing books and stories, I’m editing and facilitating narrators for The Other Stories podcast, formatting novels for my fellow writers, and looking into new ways to push the studio forward.

With Bullet Journal, I’ve been making sure I never miss a task. PLUS, it’s analogue (on paper), meaning I’m never distracted by social media.

Not bad, eh?

So I suppose the point of this article is to declare my goals. To open my mission to the world who can hold me accountable, and maybe give some ideas on how people can improve their own organisation. I’ve always been a messy bear, so it’s nice to get some things straightened out.

Do you have a New Year’s resolution that you’re dying to share? I’d love to hear how others are keeping track of their habits and improving themselves for 2017.

Keep up-to-date with my progress over at my site, and get yourself a free book too!


Thanks for sharing this advice, Kobur!
Upvoted & Followed.

No problem, friend. Right back at ya! @lazariko12