Metric Riddle #3 Can You Solve It?
I've been a quarry and a fort
I've been a church, I've come to naught
But ere my weary bones decayed
I witnessed death and accolade
I drank the blood of many slaves
I bore the warships on my waves
Accursed, my purpose lived full measure
But I live on, while pain brings pleasure
What am I?
This is the third in a series of riddles written in the classic metric style. Have a bash at working out the solution.
Maybe steel?
I second that, nice thinking. I was like it can't be the ocean then it can't be wood could it? We shall see. My brain hurts now
It's not steel; it's something more specific. If you need a bit more direction, consider that the classics and ancient history form an important part of my frame of reference. It only hurts when you're getting smarter. :P
I’m not much of a riddler, but this makes for a beautiful read! Welcome to Steemit! 😀
Thank you kindly! You're a home-schooler I see. Capital, the very best sort of people on the planet! I was home-schooled myself, and I intend to pass on the privilege before too long. I still need to organise a wife though...
Is it by any chance the Colosseum?
Well done! You have it! :D