High School - Chapter 5 - Tryouts
Mary closes her eyes and takes a deep breath...
Mary: I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime...
Mary: I was wondering if you'd like to go with me sometime...
Roy: Oh... Mary... uh... Thank you, but no.

They both stand there, silent, refusing to look at each other. Ronald open his mouth, trying to think of something to break the silence.
Ronald: Uh... Maybe I should give you two some privacy.
Roy: I think it's a little late for that.
Mary: I... I'm sorry. I just knew that if I held a question in another second, I'd lose my nerve. Which probably would have been better than... this.
Roy: No, It's okay, you know...
He trails off. The silence is deafening...
Ronald: Are you okay, Mary?
She takes a deep breath...
Mary: No. But I will be...
Roy: I like you as a person, Mary, but it's too soon after Zoe.
Mary: So... you're just not ready to date?
For a moment Roy's eyes meet yours. Then he looks away.
Roy: Yeah. I guess that's what I'm saying. But it's not just that. I think you're someone I'll always see as a friend. I'd rather tell you that honestly than give you false hope. I've been on the other side of this, and I think it's better to know the truth.
Mary: It's fine. I kinda knew this would happen, but I was worried that I'd never had another chance at this.
Roy: I mean... I think you're really awesome, Mary. I do. But--
Mary: You have every right to say no. I don't want to be with someone who doesn't like me as much as I like them.
Roy: I know you'll find someone.
Mary: Me too... Someday.
Roy: Hey, I know things are awkward right now, but if you're up for it, I'd still love to get to know you better as a friend.
Mary: I'd like that.
Roy: I'll see you in class, then?
Mary: Looking forward to it.
Ronald and Mary watch as Roy gets into his car and drives away...
Mary: Is it safe to break down now?
Ronald see tears starting to form in her eyes...
Ronald: Mary... I'm proud of you...
Mary: For what? Making a fool of myself?
Ronald: For working up the courage to tell Roy how you felt. That's not easy for anyone, let alone someone as shy as you.
Mary: Thanks. I just wish I didn't feel like such an idiot.
Ronald: Love makes fools of us all, Mary.
She puts her arms around Ronald, and Ronald pats her back comfortingly...
Ronald: Are you gonna be able to keep it together for the drive home?
Mary: I'm walking actually. My mom needed the car today. She's working late.
Ronald: Well, could your dad maybe pick you up?
Mary: He doesn't live with... He and y mom got...
Mary starts to cry again...
Ronald: I'm sorry. How about you come over to my house for the evening? My dad's making a fried chicken.
Mary looks up at him with a weak smile...
Mary: That's my favorite.
Ronald: Then it's settled. Let's go.
Later that afternoon...
Ronald: Here's your water.
Mary: Thanks, Ronald. How's my face look? Can you tell I was crying?
Ronald: You look beautiful...
Mary: Beautiful in a "tragic tears rolling down my cheek" way?
Ronald: Beautiful in a "Mary with a clean face" way.
Mary: That's what I was going for. Thanks for letting me use your bathroom to wash up.
Ronald: No problem. You're feeling better, then?
Mary: A little...
Ronald: That's a start.
Mary: Yeah... I guess I'm just not sure where to go from here. I know it was a long shot, but, whenever I imagined my future, having Roy in it was always at least possible.
Ronald: Well, he will be, just as a friend.
Mary: Yeah, and I'm glad for that, but it's still hard to let go of this fantasy.
Ronald: You know what I think you need?
Mary: What?
Ronald: A new activity.
Mary: Like a sport or something?
Ronald: Sports, arts, anything that sounds fun to you.
Mary: Something to distract me?
Ronald: And something to look forward to.
Mary: That's not a bad idea... But you know how I get around new people.
Ronald: Hey, I'm new, and we're friends, right?
Mary: That's only because you won't let me be shy around you.
Ronald: Well, what if we signed up for something together?
Mary: Maybe... What were you thinking?
Ronald suggested to join the football club...
Mary: Football? I can't join football! Roy will think that I'm stalking him!
Ronald: No, he won't. We'll try out together, and it'll be obvious that you're there because of me rather than him.
Mary: But... It would be so awkward.
Ronald: Sure, at first. But I bet that if you spent more time together as part of the team, it would actually end up being less awkward.
Mary: But... What if I get tackled?
Ronald: Okay, that's fair. Maybe you could help the team out some other way?
Mary: Hmmm... Do you think Coach Burke needs an assistant?
Ronald: Wouldn't hurt to ask.
Mary: Okay, if you're sure about this, I'm in.
Just then, they hear a knock on the door...
Ronald: Come in.
Ronald's dad steps into the room...
Dad: Hey-o. You must be Mary. Ronald texted me that you were staying for dinner tonight?
Mary: If it's not too much trouble...
Dad: None at all. Is everything going okay in here?
Ronald: We're fine. Mary and I decided we're going to join the football team.
Dad: Fantastic. You'll be achieving your goals!
Ronald: Hahaha... But I think you're thinking of "touchdowns", not "goals"
Dad: I don't know what you're talkin' about, guv'nah!
Ronald groan involuntarily, but Mary chuckles...
Ronald: Dad! You're embarrassing me in front of my new friend!
Dad: That's what I'm here for... Okay, okay. Well, I came to let you know that dinner's almost ready. Could you two help me set the table?
Ronald: All right, all right. We're coming.
After dinner... They're sitting in Ronald's room when Mary gets a text...
Ronald: Bad news?
Mary: My mom's stuck at work until midnight.
Rona;d: That's rough. Have you told her about Roy?
Mary: No, she's got enough on her mind. I should be getting home. Do you think you can give me a ride?
Ronald: No problem, Mary. But are you sure you'll be okay staying home alone that late at night?
Mary: Yeah, I'll be fine. I... I'm used to it.
Ronald: Mary, stay here! we'll make tonight awesome!
Mary: Oh, you don't need to do that!
Ronald: But would you prefer if I did?
Mary: Well... yes.
Ronald: Then it's no trouble. Text your mom and tell her that she can pick you up here.
Mary: Thank you so much, Ronald. You really are the best.
Ronald:I'm just being a friend. Now... what do we do first?
For the next few hours, Ronald and Mary talk about everything the two of them can think of...
Mary: ...and that's when I realized my hair was on fire.
Ronald: Okay. We are officially never going camping together.
Mary: Noooo! I can't believe I rolled another seven!
Ronald: The hotel manager of Park Place is very happy to have your business. That'll be $1500
Mary: I love this song!
Ronald: I can't believe you've never listened to a single Beyonce song!
Mary: Is it really that weird?
Ronald: Yes!!!
Mary: This has been so fun!
Ronald: I guess we're officially friends. Maybe we should... Take the next step.
Mary: What... What do you mean?
Ronald:Maybe we should make our friendship... FB Official!
Mary: Heh. That would be great... But I don't have an account. I was always kind of worried that I'd be the one person on the site without any friends.
Ronald: Well, not anymore! And I'm not just talking about me... Think of all the people you've been hanging out with over the last few days. People like Anna... Frank... Aiden... In some weird way, they are all your friends now!
Mary: In that case... Maybe its time for me to finally sign up!
They open the website and start typing...
Ronald: Okay, they need some info. When's your birthday?
Mary: September 30.
Ronald: Hometown?
Mary: Cedar Cove.
Ronald: Interest?
Mary: Books, history, cartoons, computer games... What else?
Ronald: What about long walks on the beach?
Mary: Is this for an FB or a dating site?
Ronald: What, you can't platonically take a long walk on the beach?
Mary: I guess so...
Ronald: Okay, last question. Relationship status?
Mary: I think you know that already.
Ronald: Maybe I shouldn't have asked.
Mary: No, it's okay. I should've known this would come up when creating an FB. And I know it's really obvious that I'm single.
Ronald: It's not that obvious!
Mary: I just don't know if I want to be reminded everytime I look at my profile.
Ronald: I think you should... Say you're married to me.
Mary: Married to you?
Ronald: Sure! People say they're married to their friends all the time!
Mary: And you'd be willing to be FB married to me?
Ronald: Sure, why not? You'd be a great wife.
Mary leans over the chair and hugs you from behind...

Mary: Hey, Ronald!
Ronald: Yeah, Mary?
Mary: You're the best.
Ronald: Aw, thanks.
Mary: No, really, I mean it... I know I'm weird. And probably scare you off by being so clingy after knowing you for two days.
Ronald: You're not, I promise.
Mary: You don't need to lie to me. I bet you think I'm the whiniest girl on the planet.
Ronald: You, whiny?
Mary: Yesterday with Brian, this afternoon with Roy, then...
She stands back up and starts to pace around the room...
Mary: The whole thing with my mom.
Ronald: Mary, do you want to talk about it?
Mary: It's really not a big deal. She's always busy with work. It's just one more thing that went wrong. It's just been a lot to handle, you now? It sorta has been ever since I found out my parents were getting divorced.
Ronald: Mary... It's okay not to be okay.
Mary: I know. But I'm tired of not being okay. When's the day going to come where I feel normal again?
Ronald: I don't know, Mary. I wish I could tell you.
Ronald stand up and hug Mary tightly. She stays there for a long time, head rested on your shoulder...
Mary: Ronald, thank you.
Ronald: Any time, Mary... But, Mary. There's still one more thing your FB profile is missing.
Mary pulls away to look at him...
Mary: What is it?
Ronald: A profile picture, of course. Come on, I'll take a picture of you.
Mary: Actually... I was hoping you could be in the picture, too.
Ronald: You mean, like a selfie?
Mary: Yeah!
Ronald: Of course. Here, take the phone.
Mary: Posting... and... Posted!!! Oh, look! I've got a friend request!
Ronald: Gee!!! I wonder who it could be!
Mary gives him a goofy smile...
Mary: Congratulations, Ronald. You're officially my first FB friend.
Ronald: Hooray! Now I can look at your face whenever I want!
Mary: Was that why you wanted to help me so much?
Ronald: I... plead the fifth.
Mary: Well, the joke's on you, because now I can look at your cute face whenever I want!
Ronald: Hey, no complaints here!
Mary giggles, Ronald realize she's still standing close to him. He reaches for her arm when...
Suddenly, the doorbell rings...
Mary: That must be my mom!
Ronald: Wow, it's past midnight. Yeah, it must be!
Mary pulls away from Ronald and starts collecting her things...
Ronald: Don't forget your phone!
Mary: Right! Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow, Ronald.
Ronald: I'll see you tomorrow, Mary.
Ronald gives her a hug and walk her to the door...
That friday after school...
Coach Burke: Welcome to football tryouts! I'm Mr. Burke, the varsity coach. We have several spots to fill today, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you all can do. I've got three star players helping me out today. Boys, why don't you introduce yourselves?
Brian: I'm Brian, the quarterback. I'm basically the most important person on the team.
Roy: And I'm Roy, a wide receiver. Brian and I are supposed to work together with our teammates to form the offense.
Julian: I'm Julian. My position is running back, and I'm also the team captain.
Coach Burke: I'd also like for you all to meet Mary. She's going to be my assistant for the season.
Mary: Oh! Um, you want me to say something?
Coach Burke: How about "HI"?
Mary: Hi, everyone...
Coach Burke: Mary's going to be helping us out behind the scenes. So let's get down to business. The homecoming game is only six weeks away, and I'm looking for players who can guarantee us a win against Robin Lane High. Ronald Penalba, you're up first!

Ronald went through all the obstacle and trials that the team gives him...
Ronald: Does that mean I made it?
Coach Burke: No promises, but you definitely have the talent we're looking for. You must be exhausted. Grab some water, then hit the showers.
Ronald head over to the water cooler and get a drink. Nearby, Brian is talking to the students interested in the kicker position...
Brian: I'll be honest with you, the kicker is kind of a nothing position. Just do this.
He kicks the ball, and it sails about five yards. The prospective kickers laugh...
Brian: Fine, you know what? I don't have to do this. Mary can lead the kicker tryouts for all I care.
Mary: Um... Okay? According to the coach, what you're supposed to do is line up the ball like this with the laces facing away from you. Take three steps back and two steps to the side from the ball, focus where you want to kick the ball towards, approach the ball and kick.
She runs toward the ball and then kicks it hard. It sails through the air over everyone's heads and lands in the end zone. Everyone stares at Mary.
Mary: Okay, um, who wants to go first?
Coach Burke: No peeking Penalba... Have a good weekend. The list will be posted on Monday.
A while later, you meet up with Mary before going home...
Mary: So, that went much better than expected.
Ronald: I'll say, your kicking demonstration pretty much made my day.
Ronald open up the locker and start putting books into his backpack...
Mary: Ronald, is there a reason you have two math textbooks?
Ronald: I do?
Mary points to a math textbook in his locker, then to one in your backpack...
Ronald: Shoot, I think I picked up someone else's during homeroom.
It's Brian's...
Ronald: Well, at least I know where to find him...
Mary: I'd offer to go with you, but...
Ronald: No need. I'll see you on Monday.
Mary: Bye, Ronald!
Ronald go to the football field to find Julain, Roy, and Brian cleaning up...
Brian: Oh, look Roy! Your little boyfriend is here!
Ronald: Seriously? I'm only into girls, Brian...
Brian: Oh really? Then what are you hanging around him so much for?
Roy: It's called being a good friend. Not that that's something you would know anything about!
Julian: Both of you need to stop. Now.
Brian: Roy's the one who keeps picking fights.
Roy: You stole my girlfriend! I have every right to be angry about that!
Julain: Of course you're allowed to be angry. But this is not the time or place. What happens off the field stays off the field. You owe that much to the rest of the team. Understood?
Roy: Yes, Julian.
Brian: Yeah, Julian. Sure.
Julain: Thank you. Now, Ronald, what's up?
Ronald: I found your math book, Brian.
Brian: Seriously?
Ronald: I think I'll be going now.
Roy: I'll see you on Monday, Ronald.
Monday before school...
Roy: Ronald! Where have you been?
Ronald: I just got here, why?
Roy: The tryout results just got posted!
Ronald: Did I make the team?
Roy: See for yourself.
Next time on High School; The tryouts are over, but did Ronald make the cut?
Well, that's all for now... Hope you all like it... Have a great day ahead, and see you nexttime

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Roy, you broke Marry's heart. Nice story @kendallron.
Hahaha thanks... Im glad you liked it....
That was nice story, dramatic but close to the reality of real life (Not me Yach)...:D
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