When A Site You Depend On Goes Down

in #writing8 years ago

Steem Exclamation

The graphic was made by me and used in an earlier post here.

SteemIMG.com Is Down

So I've been waiting for steemIMG to come back online since last night. I have some great pictures I want to share and graphics for another two planned posts. When I first logged onto my pc last night steemIMG was online. By the time I finished setting up my post and everything steemIMG was offline. I even took a screenshot to use in this post but then remembered I can't upload it to steemIMG.

Easy Solution

Yea sure, there's an easy solution, use another free hosting site. I could do this. The problem is that once I choose a brand, I tend to stay very loyal to that brand and it takes a lot to sway me. Now I try my best to not be bias. For example; I'm an Xbox guy, have been for nearly 10 maybe 11 years now. I have owned a couple Playstation consoles (they all sh*t the bed), also many Nintendo products (still have NES and N64), I love Sega and thanks to @jbouchard12 I now have a Dreamcast as well. Even with all these systems my personal favorite is still the Xbox. I obviously have nothing against other consoles as I have owned one from nearly every company.

My point is I'll stick with the brand I choose until they screw me. I won't switch to another image hosting site because their doing maintenance. I have all my other graphics and pictures there and they've never done me wrong, so far. If this starts becoming a constant problem then I may consider switching. Until then I will remain loyal.

In Regards To SteemIt

Well, loyalty often gets me damn near no where in life. I find something I like which often takes either a lot of time before I decide I like it or a lot of research. I've stuck with jobs for far too long due to loyalty. I've inconvenienced myself time and time again because of loyalty. I've even gone as far as to put my own life in danger due to my loyalties. In SteemIt's case, I'll be here for a long time. Even if the value of STEEM and/or SteemDollars drops to $0.001, I'll still be here. I like the forum, I like a portion of the content, and most of the people I've conversed with on SteemIt seem to be pretty pleasant people (also I get to make a little coin). Who cares how little STEEM is worth? Unless you've invested your own money that you earned from another job you've lost nothing.

Monetary Display

This image was made by me and used in an earlier post.

Here For The Money

If you're here just for the money... well, you're an idiot. STEEM and Steem Dollars aren't meant to make anyone rich (some do argue that specific people made it to get rich, whatever), they're just meant to be an incentive for better content and to not be a jerk to everyone (*co-reddit-ugh*). Yes in order for this to truly work it needs to have some value but how much value does it really need? I'm not worried about the price of STEEM and honestly believe that everyone is putting way too much emphasis on the value of it. This is supposed to be a community where we help each other and produce great ideas. For a time I saw this and now that I've been here a while I'm seeing more of the politics behind the scenes. Thankfully I can just stay out of it all and do my own thing, I just wish more would do the same.

Thanks for reading my multi-directional rant, please let me know what you think in the comments. I do have to work all day today but I'll try my best to respond and keep the conversation going. Take it easy.



Loyalty is a weird thing. It is a very admirable trait to have, however, when in a world that selling out is the norm, it is very dangerous.

When you are loyal to someone, and they are loyal to you, then it become a great synergistic bond, where the two of you can do more than either alone.
This is great! This is the best!

The biggest problem with being a loyal type person is that you see everything through "you" colored glasses. You assume other people have some loyalty. You believe the scale goes from:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No loyalty <---------|----------> High loyalty

You believe that a company you are working for, or a company you are buying from actually cares (at least a little bit) for you.

When in actuality the scale goes from:
Neg loyalty <----------------No loyalty -----------------> High loyalty

There are people actually out to screw you over. And want nothing more then for you to put your trust and loyalty in you.

In most jobs, you will find people that really want to use you. But, for the most part, you will find people that really do not care. They have no loyalty at all. The job is a job. You are a coworker in passing.

So, be aware that you are seeing the world through tinted glasses and make adjustments. I strongly suggest learning how much you can give, and never giving more than that. At this level, you can sustain your giving, and even if the other person turns out to be evil (or just untrustworthy) then you will not fall apart.

Reputation. If you have a bad reputation your receive little or no loyalty.

So true.. Sad really.. But that isn't just SteemIt, that's how it is in life too isn't it?
Thank you for the response.

I am a member of the church of the monkeysphere.
All hail Dunbar's number least you be cast into the pit of a behavioral sink and dwell in Rat Utopia forever.

@builderofcastles I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately I believe my loyalty to be one of my best traits. It's also something I look for in others, but most of the time you don't know if someone is loyal to you until it's too late. I know I'm looking at the world through tinted glasses but it's very hard to take them off. Even if I manage to take them off for a time I still feel the need to be loyal to others in the hopes that one day it will be returned in kind.
Thank you for the great comment and or course the vote.

Looks like it's back up now but still won't send me the activation link 😡

I am in the same boat. I have been using Steemimg to host pictures for my posts on Steemit. I know there are several other free hosting sites available, but how many accounts do you really want to setup just to participate on a single platform. I am also loyal to a fault, especially if the site is as easy to use and manage as Steemimg. Hopefully the site will be back up soon as there are a few posts I have had planned since last night as well.

Exactly, I have 8 email accounts, three online lab (code academy, code school) accounts, and multiple bill pay accounts, I don't need more. Also steemimg is just so easy to use!
Thanks for the comment!